Pinpoint Windows Aprs Client

I was playing with uiview32, but I was very bothered by the map that comes with uiview32. So I went looking for another Aprs client for windows. I ended up at PinPoint. In PinPoint you can choose from 40 different Map providers. Very nice.

I am satisfied with how it works. It is clear and fast. Only found out if at “Tools> Options” something changes you have to close the program and restart. There is also something disturbing, if you close the program and restart you have lost the received aprs messages. Very annoying.

Ax25-apps, Ax25-tools, Ax25-utils, Libax25

Please use the latest version, this prevents irritation and annoying things that you do not understand.

-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 185677 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-apps-0.0.1.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 196284 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-apps-0.0.2.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 197901 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-apps-0.0.3.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 198064 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-apps-0.0.4.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 207347 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-apps-0.0.5p2.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 207624 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-apps-0.0.5.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 273846 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-apps-0.0.6.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 462058 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-apps-0.0.8-rc1.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 430456 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-apps-0.0.8-rc2.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 469313 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-apps-0.0.8-rc3.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 442172 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-apps-0.0.8-rc4.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 479590 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-apps-0.0.8-rc5.tar.gz

-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 515474 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-tools-0.0.10-rc1.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 381575 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-tools-0.0.10-rc2.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 370079 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-tools-0.0.10-rc3.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 364332 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-tools-0.0.10-rc4.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 372851 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-tools-0.0.10-rc5.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 162320 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-tools-0.0.1.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 176989 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-tools-0.0.2.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 234032 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-tools-0.0.3.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 230243 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-tools-0.0.4.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 230243 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-tools-0.0.5.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 251941 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-tools-0.0.6.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 254019 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-tools-0.0.8.tar.gz

-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 103151 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-lib-0.0.1.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 122941 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-lib-0.0.2.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 123970 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-lib-0.0.3.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 143265 Mar 8 14:25 libax25-0.0.10.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 231325 Mar 8 14:25 libax25-0.0.11.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 361613 Mar 8 14:25 libax25-0.0.12-rc1.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 332178 Mar 8 14:25 libax25-0.0.12-rc2.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 359045 Mar 8 14:25 libax25-0.0.12-rc3.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 335535 Mar 8 14:25 libax25-0.0.12-rc4.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 360123 Mar 8 14:25 libax25-0.0.12-rc5.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 122442 Mar 8 14:25 libax25-0.0.4.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 129510 Mar 8 14:25 libax25-0.0.5.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 130198 Mar 8 14:25 libax25-0.0.6.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 131177 Mar 8 14:25 libax25-0.0.7.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 264673 Mar 8 14:25 libax25-0.0.9.tar.gz

-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 282655 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-utils-1.3.30.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 155821 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-utils-1.3.80.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 246854 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-utils-2.0.12c.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 204439 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-utils-2.0.12.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 359082 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-utils-2.1.22b.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 346153 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-utils-2.1.42a.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 344332 Mar 8 14:25 ax25-utils-2.1.42.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 pd9q pd9q 21657 Mar 8 14:25 ax25utils.tar.gz

Uronode 2.11

Brian N1URO, has released Uronode 2.11 (Mar 03, 2020)


03/03/2020 v2.11
Changed node.h to reflect current version.

Note: The system has been behaving as best as it can be expected considering
it`s a front-end to the linux protocol stacks. As long as there can be an
ax# or sp# interface, it can attach to it and work the protocol(s) the user
wishes to use. There`s still the 2-line patch that the kernel maintainers 
need to add to ax25.ko so that netrom will continue to properly function
however that`s not the issue of URONode, it`s the kernel ax25 module.

Made a couple of changes in gateway.c where the color schema wasn`t properly
resetting the netrom prompt only in regards to aborting ping or a connect
request. This is now fixed.

Made changes in system.c where it wasn`t displaying the user being on IPv6
properly. While at it, I changed how it handles the user when they`re on
IPv4 in the lastlog and loggedin databases.

Changed user.c to reflect incoming session is via IPv6 which also fixes the
output of nodeusers so that instead of displaying ??????? it now shows that
Telnet6 is being used as the incoming protocol. This one was really getting
under my skin. Now I can rest in peace (as per QST 2/2020 haha!)

----------- Note on SystemD --------
In uronode.socket, you`ll notice the line:
This tells SystemD to listen on TCP socket 3694 for any IPv4 ONLY incoming
connection. If you wish to filter JUST your amprnet and IPv4 localhost
IPs make a line for each changing to and another for
your amprnet IP. This will by default filter any commercial IP requests
to URONode. If you want SystemD to try IPv6 *first*, don`t enter in any
IP schemas and just list the port number. SystemD by default appears to
use IPv6 prior to IPv4.

You can verify the above by running systemctl status uronode.socket:
systemctl status uronode.socket
● uronode.socket - URONode Server Activation Socket
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/uronode.socket; enabled)
   Active: active (listening) since Mon 2016-03-07 15:30:39 EST; 6min ago
   Listen: (Stream)
 Accepted: 3; Connected: 1

----------- Wish-list: -----------
Original Development Information (aka Disclaimer): URONode was developed 
on an IBM eSeries 330 eServer with dual 1.2GHz CPUs The OS is Debian 
Linux 4 using kernel 2.4.27, libax25 v0.0.11, ax25-tools v0.0.8 and 
ax25-apps v0.0.6. This software comes with absolutely NO guarantees so 
crash n burn at your own risk. We all may be surprised and find out that 
it actually DOES something useful! URONode may not run 100% depending on 
environmental conditions specific to your system.

URONode is GLPv2 code, and tested by it`s main author on the following 
platforms: Raspberry Pi ver. B, Debian 7.7 on a Core-i3, Ubuntu 
12.0.4LTS on a Core-i3, Fedora ver. 21

Source Link

Jnos start with screen

Jimmy K3CHB, Was looking at how he could get a restart option in Jnos in combination with “screen”.

Below how he did it.


echo "Starting [JNOS-2.0n.beta-IHM$]"
screen -d -m -S jnos-console ./nos.loop exit 0


# JNOS 2.0 Loop script by K3CHB

killall -KILL jnos 2> /dev/null
while [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]
     cd /jnos
     rm -f /jnos/spool/mqueue/*.lck 2> /dev/null
     rm -f /jnos/spool/mail/*.lck 2> /dev/null
     rm -f /jnos/spool/ptmx_direwolf.cfg 2> /dev/null
     sleep 2
     grep -o "/dev/pts/." /jnos/direwolf.log > /jnos/spool/ptmx_direwolf.cfg 
     sleep 2
     export TZ=EST5EDT
     export TERM=xterm-color
     /jnos/jnos -g2 -i -d/jnos && exit_code=0
exit 0


Jnos snmpd


start snmpd
snmp ro pd9q 192.168.79.

sudo apt-get install mrtg
mkdir /var/www/html/mrtg/jnos
cd /var/www/html/mrtg/jnos
sudo nano mrtg.cfg


WorkDir: /var/www/html/mrtg/jnos
options[_]: noinfo,nobanner,growright,logscale
XSize[_]: 300
YSize[_]: 100
EnableIPv6: no
NoMib2: yes
# JNOS tun0 (3) interface
Target[tun0]: 3:pd9q@
MaxBytes[tun0]: 1000000
PNGTitle[tun0]: Internet and some LAN traffic
Title[tun0]: tun0
# JNOS axu0 (2) interface
Target[axu0]: 2:pd9q@
MaxBytes[axu0]: 1000000
PNGTitle[axu0]: axu0
Title[axu0]: axu0
# JNOS hf (1) interface
Target[ax0]: 1:pd9q@
MaxBytes[ax0]: 50
PNGTitle[ax0]: 144.850Mhz @ 1200 Baud
Title[ax0]: ax0
# JNOS netrom (0) interface
Target[netrom]: 0:pd9q@
MaxBytes[netrom]: 50
PNGTitle[netrom]: Netrom (excluding RIF frames)
Title[netrom]: netrom
sudo indexmaker --output index.html -section=title --show=day --columns=1 mrtg.cfg

sudo nano /etc/cron.d/mrtg

*/5 *   * * *   root    if [ -x /usr/bin/mrtg ] && [ -r /var/www/html/mrtg/jnos/mrtg.cfg ] && [ -d "$(grep '^[[:space:]]*[^#]*[[:space:]]*W$

Direwolf 1.6 D (Mar 1 2020) FX.25

I did some testing with a friend of mine PD2NLX. We have tested the (new) FX.25 protocol (32 and 16 Bytes) This is AX25 with forward error correction. Now the distance between us is quite short, about 5 kilometers. We have discovered that the 16 bytes check at a short distance works better.

First I have installed the “dev” release of Direwolf.

git clone
cd direwolf
git branch -r
git checkout dev
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
sudo make install
make install-conf

My direwolf.start file look like this

#Start direwolf with -X (16, 32, 64) option to enable FX.25 tx. Number (16, 32, 64) means bytes to check
direwolf -X 16 -d x -t 0 -c /home/pd9q/jnos/direwolf.conf -l /home/pd9q/jnos/logs/direwolf >/dev/tty3

I have add the start option “-d x” Let’s take a look at what that looks like.

FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x05 with 6 bit errors.  Expecting 223 data & 32 check bytes.
FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x05 with 0 bit errors.  Expecting 223 data & 32 check bytes.
FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x05 with 0 bit errors.  Expecting 223 data & 32 check bytes.
FX.25: FEC complete with no errors.
FX.25: FEC complete with no errors.
FX.25: FEC complete, fixed 13 errors in byte positions: 11 19 65 73 74 92 116 117
132 138 143 144 192

FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x06 with 1 bit errors.  Expecting 128 data & 32 check bytes.
FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x06 with 1 bit errors.  Expecting 128 data & 32 check bytes.
FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x06 with 1 bit errors.  Expecting 128 data & 32 check bytes.
FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x06 with 1 bit errors.  Expecting 128 data & 32 check bytes.
FX.25: FEC complete with no errors.
FX.25: FEC complete with no errors.
FX.25: FEC complete with no errors.
FX.25: FEC complete, fixed  1 errors in byte positions: 97

FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x04 with 0 bit errors.  Expecting 32 data & 16 check bytes.
FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x04 with 0 bit errors.  Expecting 32 data & 16 check bytes.
FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x04 with 0 bit errors.  Expecting 32 data & 16 check bytes.
FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x04 with 0 bit errors.  Expecting 32 data & 16 check bytes.
FX.25: FEC complete, fixed  1 errors in byte positions: 248
FX.25: FEC complete with no errors.
FX.25: FEC complete with no errors.
FX.25: FEC complete with no errors.

FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x01 with 0 bit errors.  Expecting 239 data & 16 check bytes.
FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x01 with 0 bit errors.  Expecting 239 data & 16 check bytes.
FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x01 with 0 bit errors.  Expecting 239 data & 16 check bytes.
FX.25: Matched correlation tag 0x01 with 0 bit errors.  Expecting 239 data & 16 check bytes.
FX.25: FEC complete with no errors.
FX.25: FEC complete with no errors.
FX.25: FEC complete with no errors.
FX.25: FEC complete with no errors.

It has, of course, been developed to work over large distances and thus achieve a reasonably reliable connection. But it works surprisingly well.

Guide…BPQ User and Sysop Commands

Bill PY2BIL has wrote a great guide with Sysop and User commands.

PY2BIL wrote,

Since I started with my BPQ BBS I was looking for an easier way to access the documentation and find what I needed at the moment, so as many do, I wrote down what I used the most along the way. Recently I decided to take the plunge and write the ‘Official BPQ Cheat Sheet’ (hihi) based on the official documentation that would make my life easier. Some of the commands I found in the documentation are flagged as obsolete or no other reference was found and I suspect that many changes that John did are still not formally documented and may be laying around in this forum.

The official website,

Or download it from this link.

Thanks Bill great document.