Direwolf Vs QtSoundModem (part 2)

Rx Only

Okay, that was a bit of a disappointment. I ran the test at 14.1022Mhz on 300 Baud. I think the conditions were very bad in those 24 hours.

For the test I use Kissutil.


kissutil  can be used interactively for troubleshooting a KISS TNC. It is usable with direwolf and other generic KISS TNCs connected to a serial port. It can also be used as an application interface where each side places files in a directory for the other to process.

First I wrote two start files for the test.


cd /home/niels/testbed/
./kiss-direwolf -p 8009 -o /home/niels/testbed/rec-direwolf


cd /home/niels/testbed/
./kiss-qtsm -p 8105 -o /home/niels/testbed/rec-qtsm

The test ran for 24 hours, which is 86400 seconds.

timeout -s 9 86400 ./qtsm.sh

After 24 hours I can start counting the received frames.

As you can see this is very disappointing. Now I understand that the focus of QtSoundModem is more in the HF area. With a difference of 4 frames, the difference between Direwolf and QtSoundModem is minimal. In fact, too few frames were received in the 24 hours to make a good comparison. Is my opinion.

The next test we will try on 144.800Mhz the local Aprs frequency.

1 thought on “Direwolf Vs QtSoundModem (part 2)”

  1. Hi Niels,

    Had my first foray into IL2P yesterday. Got QtSoundmodem for Windows working. with my TS-590S after editing/recompiling rigctld (TX vs TX1 issue). Didn’t see anyone on 20m so I left it on overnight and checked today. Copied you! (see below).

    So now over a year since this article, which program are you using for HF IL2P?

    Doug VE1LG

    1:Fm PI1LAP-7 To HF [08:17:57R][FFF][-FF]
    PI1LAP-7 Node – PI8LAP BBS JO11VN

    1:Fm PI1LAP-7 To HF [08:32:07R][+++][-++]
    PI1LAP-7 Node – PI8LAP BBS JO11VN

    1:Fm PI1LAP-7 To HF [08:59:57R][FFF][FFF]
    PI1LAP-7 Node – PI8LAP BBS JO11VN

    1:Fm EI2GYB-7 To APBPQ1 Via WIDE2-2 [09:04:42R][FFF][FFF]

    1:Fm EI2GYB To BCN Via WIDE1 [10:34:30R][FFF][-FF]

    __ \ / __
    ( ` \.’.’ ) EI2GYB, Steve
    (__.’, \ .__) Mail: EI2GYB-1
    / \`===, Loc: IO65JG
    PACKET’s Alive on NET 105 !

    1:Fm PI1LAP-7 To HF [10:38:17R][FFF][FFF]
    PI1LAP-7 Node – PI8LAP BBS JO11VN

    1:Fm PI1LAP-7 To HF [10:51:57R][FFF][-FF]
    PI1LAP-7 Node – PI8LAP BBS JO11VN

    1:Fm PI1LAP-7 To HF [12:01:57R][FFF][-FF]
    PI1LAP-7 Node – PI8LAP BBS JO11VN

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