Vara500 with UT1HZM

Mar 18 17:52:25 PI1LAP VARAHF UT1HZM connected  VARA HF v4.7.4
Mar 18 18:03:44 PI1LAP VARAHF Disconnecting by FQ
Mar 18 18:03:49 PI1LAP VARAHF UT1HZM Average S/N: -3.8 dB
Mar 18 18:03:49 PI1LAP VARAHF Disconnected      TX: 7113 Bytes (Max: 588 bps)   RX: 148 Bytes (Max: 177 bps)   Session Time: 11:24
17:52:25R CONNECTED UT1HZM PI8LAP 500 Port=4
17:52:25R HF Node PI1LAP-7 Port=4
17:52:25R Incoming Connect from UT1HZM on Port 4 Freq 14103800 Mode VARA 500 
17:52:25R [BPQ-$] 
17:52:25R Welcome to PI8LAP 
17:52:25R PI8LAP-> 
17:52:25R [BPQ-$] Port=4
17:52:25R Welcome to PI8LAP Port=4
17:52:25R PI8LAP-> Port=4
17:52:52R [BPQ-$] Port=4
17:52:52R ; MSGTYPES  PTRB17000 Port=4
17:52:52R FF Port=4
17:52:53R [BPQ-$] 
17:52:53R ; MSGTYPES  PTRB17000 
17:52:53R FF 
17:52:53R FA B CX2SA ARRL LETTER ARRL4111 15430 
17:52:53R F> 13 
17:52:53R FA B CX2SA ARRL LETTER ARRL4111 15430 Port=4
17:52:53R F> 13 Port=4
17:53:17R FS - Port=4
17:53:17R FF Port=4
17:53:17R FS - 
17:53:17R FF 
17:53:17R FA B CX2SA ARL PROP ARLP011 8312 
17:53:17R FA B EI2GYB WW ASTRO 11947_EI2GYB 8603 
17:53:17R F> 13 
17:53:18R FA B CX2SA ARL PROP ARLP011 8312 Port=4
17:53:18R FA B EI2GYB WW ASTRO 11947_EI2GYB 8603 Port=4
17:53:18R F> 13 Port=4
17:53:36R FS -- Port=4
17:53:36R FF Port=4
17:53:36R FS -- 
17:53:37R FF 
17:53:37R FA B EI2GYB WW ASTRO 11948_EI2GYB 7667 
17:53:37R FA B KA3BVJ WW SWL 47523_KA3BVJ 4550 
17:53:37R F> 01 
17:53:37R FA B EI2GYB WW ASTRO 11948_EI2GYB 7667 Port=4
17:53:37R FA B KA3BVJ WW SWL 47523_KA3BVJ 4550 Port=4
17:53:37R F> 01 Port=4
17:54:05R FS -- Port=4
17:54:05R FF Port=4
17:54:05R FS -- 
17:54:05R FF 
17:54:05R FA B EI2GYB WW ASTRO 11946_EI2GYB 10873 
17:54:05R F> 88 
17:54:06R FA B EI2GYB WW ASTRO 11946_EI2GYB 10873 Port=4
17:54:06R F> 88 Port=4
17:54:26R FS - Port=4
17:54:26R FF Port=4
17:54:27R FS - 
17:54:27R FF 
17:54:27R FA B CX2SA ARL KEP ARLK019 3851 
17:54:27R FA B LU9DCE WW DXNEWS 6682_LU9DCE 9109 
17:54:27R F> 44 
17:54:27R FA B CX2SA ARL KEP ARLK019 3851 Port=4
17:54:27R FA B LU9DCE WW DXNEWS 6682_LU9DCE 9109 Port=4
17:54:27R F> 44 Port=4
17:54:48R FS -- Port=4
17:54:48R FF Port=4
17:54:48R FS -- 
17:54:48R FF 
17:54:48R FA B LU9DCE WW LINUX 6683_LU9DCE 4222 
17:54:48R FA B LU9DCE WW ALERT 6685_LU9DCE 3132 
17:54:48R FA B LU9DCE WW HUMOR 6686_LU9DCE 1348 
17:54:48R FA B LU9DCE WW PROPA 6690_LU9DCE 1245 
17:54:48R FA B DJ5AV WW DX ARLDOO11 5338 
17:54:48R F> 71 
17:54:48R FA B LU9DCE WW LINUX 6683_LU9DCE 4222 Port=4
17:54:48R FA B LU9DCE WW ALERT 6685_LU9DCE 3132 Port=4
17:54:48R FA B LU9DCE WW HUMOR 6686_LU9DCE 1348 Port=4
17:54:48R FA B LU9DCE WW PROPA 6690_LU9DCE 1245 Port=4
17:54:48R FA B DJ5AV WW DX ARLDOO11 5338 Port=4
17:54:48R F> 71 Port=4
17:55:21R FS ----- Port=4
17:55:21R FF Port=4
17:55:21R FS ----- 
17:55:21R FF 
17:55:21R FA B KF5JRV WW TODAY 1390_KF5JRV 1562 
17:55:21R FA B LU9DCE WW DX 6688_LU9DCE 12713 
17:55:21R F> 6C 
17:55:21R FA B KF5JRV WW TODAY 1390_KF5JRV 1562 Port=4
17:55:21R FA B LU9DCE WW DX 6688_LU9DCE 12713 Port=4
17:55:21R F> 6C Port=4
17:55:41R FS -+ Port=4
17:55:41R FS -+ 
17:55:41R Compressed Message Comp Len 4845 Msg Len 12713 CRC 22d9 
18:00:52R FF Port=4
18:00:52R FF 
18:00:52R FA B LU9DCE WW ALL 6694_LU9DCE 2959 
18:00:52R FA B G8MNY WW TECH 43050_GB7CIP 3265 
18:00:52R FA B G8MNY WW ATV 43048_GB7CIP 4849 
18:00:52R F> 6B 
18:00:52R FA B LU9DCE WW ALL 6694_LU9DCE 2959 Port=4
18:00:52R FA B G8MNY WW TECH 43050_GB7CIP 3265 Port=4
18:00:52R FA B G8MNY WW ATV 43048_GB7CIP 4849 Port=4
18:00:52R F> 6B Port=4
18:01:12R FS +-- Port=4
18:01:12R FS +-- 
18:01:12R Compressed Message Comp Len 1189 Msg Len 2959 CRC 7410 
18:02:27R FF Port=4
18:02:27R FF 
18:02:27R FA B G8MNY WW TECH 43049_GB7CIP 12370 
18:02:27R F> 29 
18:02:27R FA B G8MNY WW TECH 43049_GB7CIP 12370 Port=4
18:02:27R F> 29 Port=4
18:02:46R FS - Port=4
18:02:46R FF Port=4
18:02:46R FS - 
18:02:46R FF 
18:02:46R FA B EI2GYB WW ASTRO 11979_EI2GYB 13237 
18:02:46R F> 85 
18:02:46R FA B EI2GYB WW ASTRO 11979_EI2GYB 13237 Port=4
18:02:46R F> 85 Port=4
18:03:09R FS - Port=4
18:03:09R FF Port=4
18:03:09R FS - 
18:03:09R FF 
18:03:09R FA B EI2GYB WW ASTRO 11980_EI2GYB 5741 
18:03:09R FA B EI2GYB WW ASTRO 11981_EI2GYB 8756 
18:03:09R F> 6E 
18:03:10R FA B EI2GYB WW ASTRO 11980_EI2GYB 5741 Port=4
18:03:10R FA B EI2GYB WW ASTRO 11981_EI2GYB 8756 Port=4
18:03:10R F> 6E Port=4
18:03:34R FS -- Port=4
18:03:34R FF Port=4
18:03:34R FS -- 
18:03:34R FF 
18:03:34R FQ 
18:03:34R FQ Port=4
18:03:50R DISCONNECTED Port=4
18:03:50R UT1HZM Disconnected

Dxspider secure login

From now on there is the possibility to set up an ssh tunnel to the Dxcluster server.
This gives the advantage that no plan text login and passwords are sent over telnet. And that your connection to the cluster is secured.
Why, suppressing fake spots and abuse of the network.


Send me your login username (call) and password you want to use. I will setup a account for you.
After this it possible to connect secure to the dxcluster.
Copy and past this line in your terminal. Change “call” with your username.

ssh -L 7300:localhost:7300 -N -p 7322

Look like this.

Enter your password and leave the terminal window open.
After this nothing happens, but there is a secure tunnel.
Now it is possible to connect the dxcluster on localhost:7300

Open a new terminal window en telnet to localhost port 7300

This is also possible with Putty.

Save and open a ssh connection.

Now it is possible to connect your log program or what you want to the DxCluster on localhost port 7300

DxSpider update

Kin EA3CV wrote a fantastic script for updating DxSpider.

Kin Wrote :

If there is a new build, it will update and immediately restart the node.
If there are no changes, the sysop is informed.

To install it, copy the file to /spider/local_cmd
From run load/cmd the first time.
The check_build command can be used like this:

check_build Y           With Backup
check_build N           Without Backup
check_build             Without Backup

If you want to leave it automated, add in /spider/local_cmd/crontab
something like this:

0 4 * * 1,2,3,4,5 run_cmd(“check_build N”)

It can be downloaded from:

This utility is not intended to replace the current update procedure,
it is intended for sysops who feel insecure about upgrading their cluster.
(I don’t feel insecure when it comes to updating software. I like it when it’s easier.)

Basically it does:
            git reset –hard
            git pull

and a full backup of the /home/spysop/spider directory in /home/sysop/backup, which will be overwritten each time check_build is run.

# You need the following package:
# apt install libfile-copy-recursive-perl  or
# cpan install File::Copy::Recursive
# Kin EA3CV,
# 20230201 v1.0

use 5.10.1;
use DXDebug;
use File::Copy::Recursive;
use strict;
use warnings;

my $self = shift;
my $backup = shift;

return (1) unless $self->priv >= 9;

if ($backup eq "Y") {
        my $from_dir = "/home/sysop/spider";
        my $to_dir = "/home/sysop/backup";

        if ( !-d $to_dir ) {
                system('mkdir', $to_dir);

        File::Copy::Recursive::rcopy_glob($from_dir, $to_dir);

system('cd /spider');

my $act = $main::gitversion;
$act =~ s/\[r\]//g;
my $res;
my $line = "cd /spider; git reset --hard; git pull";
my @out;

system('git reset --hard');

my $data = qx(git pull);
my $new = `git log --oneline | head -n 1`;

if ($data =~ /Updating/) {
        $res = "There is a new build: $new";
        dbg("DXCron::spawn: $res: $line") if isdbg('cron');
        push @out, $res;
} elsif ($data =~ /Already|actualizado/) {
        $res = "There is no new build ($main::build  $act)";
        push @out, $res;
        dbg("DXCron::spawn: $res.") if isdbg('cron');

return (1, @out)


DxSpider Crontab

An crontab example I use with my Dxspider node.

# Check Connect (At minute 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50)

0,5,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * start_connect('gb7htl') unless connected('gb7htl')
0,5,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * start_connect('pa1rbz') unless connected('pa1rbz')
0,5,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * start_connect('pi4cc') unless connected('pi4cc')
0,5,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * start_connect('n5wls') unless connected('n5wls')
0,5,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * start_connect('ea2rks-2') unless connected('ea2rks-2')
0,5,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * start_connect('pa2sq') unless connected('pa2sq')
0,5,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * start_connect('ed1zac-5') unless connected('ed1zac-5')

# Update stats for mrtg (At minute 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 55)
00,05,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * run_cmd('mrtg all')

# Send announce full/local (At minute 0)
#0 * * * * run_cmd('ann full Dxspider telnet 7300' . cldate . ' ' . ztime)
#0 * * * * run_cmd('ann local DXspider telnet 7300 at ' . cldate . ' ' . ztime)

# Skimmers (At every minute)
* * * * * start_connect('sk0mmr') unless connected('sk0mmr')
* * * * * start_connect('sk1mmr') unless connected('sk1mmr')

# AutoUpdate DXSpider Server (At 04:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday)
0 4 * * 1,2,3,4,5 run_cmd("check_build Y")

# AutoUpdate USDB (At 02:00 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)
0 2 * * 1,3,5 spawn("cd /tmp | wget -qN & /spider/perl/ usdbraw.gz")
5 2 * * 1,3,5 run_cmd("load/usdb")
10 2 * * 1,3,5 spawn("rm /tmp/usdbraw.gz")

# AutoUpdate Keps (At 02:00 on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday)
0 2 * * 2,4,6 spawn("cd /tmp | wget -qN & /spider/perl/ -p nasabare.txt &")
5 2 * * 2,4,6 run_cmd("load/keps")
10 2 * * 2,4,6 spawn("rm /tmp/nasabare.txt")

# AutoUpdate CTY.DAT (At 03:00 on Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday)
0 3 * * 0,2,5 spawn("cd /spider/local_data | wget -qN &")
0 3 * * 0,2,5 spawn("cd /spider/local_data | wget -qN &")
0 3 * * 0,2,5 spawn("cd /spider/local_data | wget -qN &")
2 3 * * 0,2,5 spawn("cd /spider/local_data | /spider/perl/")
3 3 * * 0,2,5 run_cmd("load/prefix")

# remove old files (At 00:00 in every month from January through December)
0 0 * 1-12 * spawn(q[find /spider/local_data/debug -type f -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \;])
2 0 * 1-12 * spawn(q[find /spider/local_data/log -type f -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \;])
3 0 * 1-12 * spawn(q[find /spider/local_data/spots -type f -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \;])
4 0 * 1-12 * spawn(q[find /spider/local_data/wcy -type f -mtime +1 -exec rm -f {} \;])
5 0 * 1-12 * spawn(q[find /spider/local_data/wwv -type f -mtime +1 -exec rm -f {} \;])

# Blacklist. TOR & Others (At minute 30)
30 * * * * spawn('cd /spider/local_data; wget -qN')
30 * * * * spawn('cd /spider/local_data; wget -qN')
30 * * * * spawn('cd /spider/local_data; wget -qN')
31 * * * * run_cmd('load/badip')


Netrom Tutorial (n2nov)

Charles N2NOV has written a fantastic document with a clear explanation about netrom quality`s and parameters.

Setting NetRom Parameters
I was looking at the old NEDA (NorthEast Digital Association) newsletters from twenty years ago (1999) and want to show you some pertinent NetRom parameters that might help with the bloated (some up to 800) nodes lists that we see from time to time. These started as X1J parameters, but you might find them useful to give you an idea how to tweak your BPQ, Xrouter, *NOS, Flex, etc systems. Each program might use a different naming convention, but reading the details of your documentation will align to NEDA labels. As always, adjustments can be made for a non-standard configurations like full duplex data repeaters, etc. Feel free to discuss the technical points here, but gear the explanation for the newer sysops. The parameters are broken down differently by the type of connection you have with another station (mostly RF-based). Adaption to an AXIP link via wired internet should follow the Dedicated Point-to-Point Link (DPPL).

USER PORT (typical 2 meter port):
No node table is broadcast to keep the channel clear. Do this by setting Initial (Default) Obsolescence at 5 and the Minimum Obsolescence to 6. Since the default is lower than the cutoff, it will never broadcast. 

DPPL (only two backbone users on a dedicated frequency) [or AXIP]:
Your partner station should be a locked route with quality of 203.
Accept incoming nodes from your partner with minimum quality of 63. 
Initial (Default) Obsolescence at Minimum Obsolescence to 3
Nodes Broadcast Interval 900 seconds (15 minutes)
The obsolescence count will start at 5 and decrement by 1 every 15 minute cycle and stop when it hits 3 if there is no refresh from your partner station. This keeps things clean and updated within 30 minutes.

Multiway Backbone with 3 Partners (typically 220 Mhz regional channel):
Your partner station should be a locked route with quality of 203.
Accept incoming nodes from your partner with minimum quality of 63.
Initial (Default) Obsolescence at 5
Minimum Obsolescence to 2
Nodes Broadcast Interval 900 seconds (15 minutes)
The obsolescence count will start at 5 and decrement by 1 every 15 minute cycle and stop when it hits 2 if there is no refresh from your partner station. This keeps things clean and updated within 45 minutes. This allows for occasional transmitter collisions between partners.
NOTE: current practice is to set minimum quality values at 150 or 180 is only to mitigate the effect of mislabeled nodes qualities broadcast to partner systems that get propagated. There are several systems that make all of the nodes in their table higher than they should be. When the network is cleaned out and realigned, then the minimum quality can be adjusted downward.
How are node qualities adjusted when the nodes table is passed around the network from partner to partner?

Initial partner default quality is  203 (out of 256)  or 203/256
First hop between AXIP partners is  203/256 * 203/256 or 161/256
Second hop between AXIP partners is 161/256 * 203/256 or 128/256
Third hop between AXIP partners is  128/256 * 203/256 or 101/256
Fourth hop between AXIP partners is 101/256 * 203/256 or 80/256
Fifth hop between AXIP partners is  80/256  * 203/256 or 63/256

Let's look at how various stations relate to each other on the NetRom nodes list. First, each station sets their partners at a default value of 203 if on AXIP or DPPL. This is only the value between the two stations talking to each other. Here are some of my forwarding partners and some of their other partners.

Second, let's look at how those next-line stations actually calculate to my station. If my partner is 203/256 (or about 80% reliability) and so is their partner, then the second-level station is not going to be 80% reliability to me. BBGATE:AA6HF-4 is 80% to me on a direct connection, but has to be less when going through LAXNET:N6ROE-3.

By doing the calculation of each level's reliability of 203/256 against the next level,
we get 203/256 x 203/256 (same as 0.79296875 x 0.79296875) or 161/256 (0.628799438476).

If we extend this exercise by multiplying against the next level of 203/256 we get:

Going down level by level we get values of 128 (X), 101 (Y), 80 (Z), etc.
By setting MIN QUALITY you can cut off how many levels (hops) you want to see.
MIN QUAL 161 lets me see all stations closer to me above the level that X is on.
MIN QUAL 128 allows me to see down to the level of X.
MIN QUAL 101 allows me to see down to the level of Y.
MIN QUAL 80  allows me to see down to the level of Z.

MHSave and Python

Today I am playing with Python and Matplotlib. In BPQ32 you have the option to save the Most Heard list (MH) when you close BPQ32. This contains a lot of data that you can use. Above I made a plot of the received stations and the number of packets I received at 14.1022Mhz + 1000Hz at 300Baud. Now I am not a world programmer, so this could probably be easier or different. Below the script I have written and used.

import re, csv, zlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

#First get the data form the right port. 14.1022Mhz 300 Baud HF Packet

port4 = []

with open("MHSave.txt") as f:
        found_port4 = False

        for line in f:
                if line.startswith("Port:4"):

                        found_port4 = True

                if found_port4:
                        if line.startswith("Port:5"):
                                mod_string = line.replace('||', '')
                                mod_strings = re.sub("via.*$", "", mod_string)

with open('port4.txt', 'w') as fout:


# Convert it to a csv file
with open('port4.txt', 'r') as in_file:
    lines =
    stripped = [line.replace(","," ").split() for line in lines]
    grouped = zip(*[stripped]*1)
    with open('port4.csv', 'w') as out_file:
        writer = csv.writer(out_file)
        writer.writerow(('Epoch', 'Pack-rev', 'Call', 'Month', 'Day', 'Time'))
        for group in grouped:

# Matplotlib create a nice Plot of the received calls

filename = 'port4.csv'
with open(filename) as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    header_row = next(reader)

    #Get Packets and Calls received
    packs, calls = [], []
    for row in reader:
        pack = int(row[1])
        call = str(row[2])

x = np.arange(len(calls))

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.barh(x, packs, align='center')
ax.set_title("Call and Packets received on PI1LAP")
ax.set_xlabel('Received Packets')
ax.set_ylabel('Station Callsigns')
ax.set_xticks(packs, minor=True)

Bpq32 with QtSoundModem and Hamlib

Yesterday I added 2 HF ports to my Bpq32 Node / BBS. I have chosen to use QtSoundModem and Hamlib. QtSoundModem is a Linux port or Soundmodem from UZ7HO. I use Hamlib/rigctld to take control of the Tranceiver. QtSoundmodem and Hamlib run on a different Raspberry than the BBS and Node.

After some testing I found out that I need Hamlib version 3.3 to control the icom 7300. The versions 4.0 and 4.1 do not work for me. Apparently the icom 7300 is not being initialized. Can’t actually find out why this is. With the command “rigctld -l” you get a list of which tranceivers are supported.

So I need number 373 for the Icom 7300.

/usr/local/bin/rigctld -m 373 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 19200 -T -t 4532 &

In the QtSoundModem.ini I have in the [Init] section.


Now the bpq32.cfg

 ID=14.1022 +1100Hz
  ADDR 8101 ; AGW port of QtSoundModem

 ID=14.1022 +2000Hz
  ADDR 8101 ; AGW port of QtSoundModem

With Hamlib it is also possible to control the TRX from Bpq32. I immediately added a Robust 300 packet port to Bpq32 with rig control. Here is an example.

 ID=Robust 300 ;(RPR Packet)
WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,, 80, PI8LAP-10, JO11VN, 00-23, 14102200, ROBUST, 25, 35, 3
WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,, 80, PI8LAP-10, JO11VN, 00-23, 14102200, PKT300, 25, 35, 3
WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,, 80, PI8LAP-10, JO11VN, 00-23, 144850000, PKT1200, 10, 20, 5, 0
WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,, 80, PI8LAP-10, JO11VN, 00-23, 430950000, PKT9600, 10, 20, 5, 0
  O 4                   ; MAXFRAME
  F 190                 ; FRACK
  T 8                   ; TX Delay
  USEAPPLCALLS          ; Accept connects to all APPLCALLS
  BEACONAFTERSESSION    ; Beacon after session
  %L 1500               ; Centre Freq for Normal Packet (Default is 1500)
  @I 64                 ; Paclen = 60
  %T 1                  ; TX Autotracking 1 = on
  %N 10
  %B 300


Apr  4 16:34:41 pi1lap : Initialising Port 01     TCPKISS IP Port 8001 Chan A
Apr  4 16:34:41 pi1lap : Initialising Port 02     TCPKISS IP Port 8001 Chan B
Apr  4 16:34:41 pi1lap : Initialising Port 03     SCSTRK /dev/ttyUSB0
Apr  4 16:34:41 pi1lap : Initialising Port 04     UZ7HO Host Port 8101 Chan A
Apr  4 16:34:41 pi1lap : Initialising Port 05     UZ7HO Host Port 8101 Chan B
Apr  4 16:34:41 pi1lap : Initialising Port 06     ASYNC /dev/ttyUSB1 Chan A


Dx Cluster PI1LAP-1

PI1LAP is Running DXSpider as Cluster Software. With Postgresql as database backend for Web Cluster

PI1LAP is also connected to the Reverse Beacon Network (RBN). Now it is possible to see (Live) Spots from CW, BEACON, RTTY, PSK, FT8 and FT4.
Connect to PI1LAP-1 (telnet 7300) and give the command “help set/skimmer” to get help about the skimmer feed.

The skimmer feed from CW and FT8 / FT4 can be overwhelming. Now there are all kinds of possibilities to filter this to specific spots. Filter help use the command “help filter” on the cluster.

# Possible Filter
To only allow FT4 spots you can use a filter
set/skimmer ft
reject/rbn 1 info ft8
show/filter # Show the rules in the filter
clear/rbn 1 or all # Delete filter rule

If you like Dx spots (just like me) you can go to “telnet 7300

See ya on the Cluster.

Website DxSpider

Lcd Display on a PI

After a busy period, I finally have a bit  “Me Time” again.

David KI6ZHD (drache), has written a fantastic article about setting up and configuring a RaspBerry PI. This article also contains a piece about setting up an LCD display at the GPIO port of the Raspberry PI.

This can be read here.

I have ordered a 20×4 LCD display and an I2C LCD interface on the internet.The price was $ 14.96 including shipping costs. Nice.

Take the time to read this good article.