Jnos NNTP(s) Server

Jean VE2PKT helpt me to get things going. Thank you Jean. I really appreciate it.

I first have to compile a new Jnos version with the NNTP(s) enabled, edit your config.h and define NNTPS.
(#define NNTPS   /* Netnews client and server */)
I had problems if I wanted to connect the NNTP server. Jnos crached right away. After a distro update of my linux version from “Stretch” to “Buster” all went fine.


# NNTP server/client
start nntp
nntp profile fullname "Niels PD9Q"
nntp profile host jnos.packet-radio.nl
nntp profile organ "Amateur Radio"
nntp profile reply pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl
nntp profile user pd9q
nntp access off
nntp firstpoll 5
nntp ihave 0
nntp lzw on
nntp quiet 2

Fist create newsgroups on the Jnos prompt

jnos> nntp create ng.bpq y

nntp create <news.group.name> [y|n]

Updates the /spool/news/active file, which must have an entry for each news group you wish to receive.  Choose y to permit posting to this group, or n to deny posting.  y is assumed if nothing is specified.  The /spool/news/pointer file is also updated with the path to the directory which will contain the articles. Articles will be stored as separate files, named by an integer corresponding to their arrival order.

The NNTPS software includes a mail-to-news feature, such that email with a To: address that begins with “!” is passed to the NNTPS module.  The remainder of the To: address is interpreted as a newsgroup name, with the name truncated at the first occurrence of one of “%@.,/”, and with “!” translated to “.” and “+” to “,”. An alias is usually used to provide this special name. For example, to route all NLD bulletins to both the NLD area, and the NG.NLD newsgroup, use the alias:

#News groups
nld     nld     !ng!nld

My alias file looks like this
nld     nld     !ng!nld
bpq     bpq     !ng!bpq
7plus   7plus   !ng!7plus
ww      ww      !ng!ww
eu      eu      !ng!eu
aprs    aprs    !ng!aprs
local   local   !ng!local
prop    prop    !ng!prop

The NNTPS software includes a news-to-mail feature, such that news articles can be emailed to local or remote destinations after they are processed by nntp. This would allow, for example, emailing to a public area, so that BBS users too could read news articles. JNOS must be compiled with NNTPS and NEWS_TO_MAIL #define’d and a file /spool/news/gateway must exist to define the mapping from a newsgroup to an SMTP To: address. Each non-comment line in the gateway file must begin with a newsgroup name (starnames OK), followed by spaces or tabs, followed by the email To: address.

ng.nld  aprs@nld
ng.nld  prop@nld
ng.nld  all@nld
ng.nld  7plus@nld
ng.7plus        all@7plus
ng.ww   all@ww
ng.eu   all@eu
ng.local        all@local
ng.bpq  all@bpq

Expire time of bulletins or newsgroup messages.

# bulletins received from AX25 network
nld 90
bpq 60
7plus 30
eu 30
check 45
ww 30
!ng.nld 90
!ng.bpq 60
!ng.7plus 30
!ng.check 30
!ng.eu 30
!ng.prop 30
!ng.ww 30

I’m using Thunderbird to read and post messages as bulletin and newsgroup mail.


Fri Feb 21 20:22:46 2020 queue job 2333 To: !ng!local From: pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl
Fri Feb 21 20:22:46 2020 queue job 2333 To: local From: pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl
Fri Feb 21 20:26:50 2020 deliver Msg-Id: 2335@jnos.packet-radio.nl To: local From: pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl Subject: Test ng.local
Received: by jnos.packet-radio.nl with NNTP
        id AA2332 ; Fri, 21 Feb 2020 20:22:46 CET
Newsgroups: ng.local
From: Niels PD9Q <pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl
Subject: Test ng.local
Message-ID: <2331@jnos.packet-radio.nl>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 20:22:41 +0100
Errors-To:  sysop
To: all@local

Test the ng.local newsgroup.
Newsgroups: ng.local
X-Mozilla-News-Host: news://
From: Niels PD9Q <pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl>
Path: jnos.packet-radio.nl!not-for-mail
Subject: Test ng.local
Message-ID: <2331@jnos.packet-radio.nl>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 20:22:41 +0100
User-Agent: Thunderbird/60.9.1
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Content-Language: nl
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 1

Test the ng.local newsgroup.
Path: jnos.packet-radio.nl!NNTP_GATE@jnos.packet-radio.nl!jnos
From: pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl
Newsgroups: ng.local
Subject: Test all@local
Message-ID: <c00aaec4-9b7f-b803-b9cd-adc1941ba8b9@jnos.packet-radio.nl>
Sender: NNTP@jnos.packet-radio.nl
Comments: Article created from mail
X-Mozilla-News-Host: news://
To: all@local
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 20:53:28 +0100
User-Agent: Thunderbird/60.9.1
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Content-Language: nl
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Test all@local bulletin

73 Niels

That’s look pretty cool, isn’t it?


Jnos colors are back

For the Raspberry Pi users among us, Maiko has found a solution for the Colors in Jnos and the NNTP server and probably even more stability issues.
For a long time we had to miss the colors, but I immediately imagine myself back in the 90s.

The Solution…..

JNOS is doing strange things on PI platforms. Because gcc in the ARM processors are forcing CHAR variables to be UNSIGNED, not SIGNED!

Until I find a better solution (long term), you must add :


to the CFLAGS in the makefile.

make clean

Thank you Maiko….

Jnos White Page (WP) Support

Jnos White Page processing.

Create a directory /jnos/spool/wp

This directory consists the following files.
1. wpages                                                                   # links a user call to a bbs call.
2. wpagebbs                                                               # contains the full hierarchical address of a bbs call.
3. wpages.new, wpagebbs.new, wpages.tmp            # new entries waiting to be merged into the above (MAIN) files during processing.
4. update.wp                                                              # tracks updates to our database – used for sending white page updates to other systems.


# WP Database
wp age 0			# number of days after which white page entries expire - default 30 days.
wp client on			# turn this on to allow WP lookup at the bbs prompt 
wp server on			# treat incoming WP bulletins (wp@ww) as updates to the white page database - default is off.
wp destinations pi8lap		# use the wp destinations console command to specify the systems you want updates sent to
wp timer 60			# interval at which JNOS processes the white page database - default is 0 (never)
wp support on			# turn on or off (completely) the use the white page database - default is on
wp temporaryage 30		# number of days an entry has to wait in the wpages.tmp file before it can be merged into the main files.
wp update 60			# interval at which JNOS should do the update runs - default is 0 (never)


# Handle wp messages
wp@ww					whitepages
wp@eu					whitepages
wp@pd9q					whitepages
wp@pd9q.#zl.nld.eu		whitepages
*@pd9q.#zl.nld.eu pd9q

How SP command interacts with WP database.

By default, there is no WP prompt. You have to create a preference before any WP interaction occurs when using the ‘SP’ command to send a message.
Use ‘XW’ (without arguments) to display current setting, for example :

WP options for ‘SP’ – 1=disable, 2=show/prompt, 3=show/noprompt, 4=force it
option 2 is currently set

To set your option, simply do something like ‘xw 2’, that’s all there is to it.

If you enter the command ‘wp pd9q’ and you might get this below :

wp routing ‘PD9Q@PD9Q.#ZL.NLD.EU

If I enter ‘sp pd9q’ on my system, I might be prompted like below :

wp routing ‘PD9Q@PD9Q.#ZL.NLD.EU’ – use ? (Y/n)

Bug Netrom node Broadcast

@Bug Bash / Thanks to Dave who has fixed the bug (also working on Xfbb) Thanks to Theo how has found the Bug.

There is an (apparently) very old bug in netromd of the linuxax25 tools. This bug ensures that nodes broadcasts on an AX.25 port with paclen <256 do not go out or are incomplete. This is the case in both the original and VE7FET versions.

Syslog get spammend with this kind of messages

Feb  6 14:20:03 raspberrypi netromd[17311]: netromt: sendto: Message too long
Feb  6 14:20:08 raspberrypi netromd[17311]: netromt: sendto: Message too long
Feb  6 14:20:13 raspberrypi netromd[17311]: netromt: sendto: Message too long
Feb  6 14:20:18 raspberrypi netromd[17311]: netromt: sendto: Message too long
Feb  6 14:20:23 raspberrypi netromd[17311]: netromt: sendto: Message too long
Feb  6 14:20:28 raspberrypi netromd[17311]: netromt: sendto: Message too long
Feb  6 14:20:33 raspberrypi netromd[17311]: netromt: sendto: Message too long
Feb  6 14:20:38 raspberrypi netromd[17311]: netromt: sendto: Message too long
Feb  6 14:20:43 raspberrypi netromd[17311]: netromt: sendto: Message too long
Feb  6 14:35:04 raspberrypi netromd[17320]: netromt: sendto: Message too long
Feb  6 14:35:09 raspberrypi netromd[17320]: netromt: sendto: Message too long
Feb  6 14:35:14 raspberrypi netromd[17320]: netromt: sendto: Message too long
Feb  6 14:35:19 raspberrypi netromd[17320]: netromt: sendto: Message too long

This can be fixed by releasing a patch on the ax25tools/netrom/netromt.c file.

> 	int ax_paclen;
> 	ax_paclen = ax25_config_get_paclen (port_list[port].port);
> 	if (ax_paclen == 0) 
> 		ax_paclen = NODES_PACLEN;	
< 			if (len + ROUTE_LEN > NODES_PACLEN)
< 				break;
> 			if (len + ROUTE_LEN > ax_paclen)
> 				break;	
< 	/* If the packet was not full then we are done */
< 	} while (len + ROUTE_LEN > NODES_PACLEN);
> 	/* If the packet was not full then we are done */	
> 	} while (len + ROUTE_LEN > ax_paclen);

Download the patch

FBB Extensions to YAPP-protocol

These extensions are used in TPK 1.65a (and up) and FBB 5.14 and up.

HEADER extension.

 The header now carries the DATE and TIME of the file being transmitted.
[SOH] [Len] [Filename] [NUL] [File Size] [NUL] [Date] [Time] [NUL]

 The Date and Time are the values reported by DOS, coded in 4 hexadecimal
digits and are sent in ASCII (8 characters).

 The receiver has the choice of using either extended Yapp with checksum or
normal Yapp.

 The normal Yapp reply is RF, as before and the receiver can keep the date
and time information .

 The extended Yapp reply is : RT  Receive_TPK  and is coded : [ACK] [ACK]

 If the receiver reply is RT the protocol used will be what I have called
YappC for Yapp with checksum. When the sender gets this packet he MUST use

Data Packets extension.

 If the receivers reply is RT the protocol used will be YappC. The checksum
allows detection of packets corrupted along the link, particularly on the
RS232 lines where there is no error control or correction (or it's very

Data packets : [STX] [Len] [Data] [Checksum]

 Checksum is the sum of all data bytes anded with FF in 8 bits like Xmodem.

 If the checksum is bad then the receiver must send a Cancel and enters CW

Crash Recovery.

 A new field has been added to the resume reply to tell the sender if the
receiver can use YappC or not. Resume is sent instead of RF (or RT).

 Resume reply for Yapp: (as used before by TPK and FBB)

    [NAK] [Len] [R] [NUL] [Received Length] [NUL]
            I    I                I
            I    I                +-- in ASCII as in the header
            I    +-- as Resume !
            +------- len of the following bytes

Resume reply for YappC:

    [NAK] [Len] [R] [NUL] [Received Length] [NUL] [C] [NUL]
                 Tells sender I can use YappC -----+

 When the sender gets this packet then he must also use YappC.

FBB Unproto message lists

 FBB software allows sending unproto lists of message. This is validated
separately on each port (letter L in PORT.SYS). Unproto address is FBB with
the following header :

fm F6FBB-1 to FBB ctl UI

 An unproto list line is sent on every validated port each time a message is
recorded. The line is in the form :

12345 B 2053 TEST@ALL F6FBB 920325 This is the subject

 If a message number is missing or does not exist the line will be :

12346 #

 This allows a system listening to the UI packets on a frequency to create a
list identical to the one of the BBS, and then the user will not have to
connect the BBS to know the list of messages and bulletins.

 A control can be done on the number of the messages to check if a line is

 If the remote system receives a new line, and a line is missing, it only has
to send an unproto frame addressed to the BBS callsign like this :

fm FC1EBN-3 to F6FBB-1 ctl UI
? 00002EE00E

 This will be taken in account only if the user has the U flag validated (EU

 If the user has not his flag validated in the BBS, he will receive a line
like :

fm F6FBB-1 to FBB ctl UI
12200 / callsign

 In this case, the the remote software MUST stop asking unprotoes.

 The first 8 digits are the hexadecimal number of the requested start of the
list (here 00002EE0 -> 12000) and the last two digits are the sum of the four
bytes anded with FF (0E).

 The BBS will then starts sending lines from the requested number up to the
last message number.

 If the number requested seems to be too far from the current line, the BBS
can readjust the request of "callsign" while sending :

fm F6FBB-1 to FBB ctl UI
12200 ! CALLSIGN
12201 B 2040    TEST@FRA    F6FBB  920325 This is a bulletin
12202 #
12203 P 206    F6ABJ@F6ABJ  F6FBB  920325 Hello Remy.

and then starts sending lines from 12201. The remote system must change its
base number to 12201.

  If the number requested is greater than the last message received in the
BBS, the BBS will send a line like :

 12300 !!

 This indicates that the list in the remote system is up to date. The last
received message in the BBS is 12300.

 The remote system can also connect the BBS and ask for messages in binary
compressed mode using the following sequence :

     BBS                                    Remote system
                                            Connection request

Welcome in Toulouse, Gerard.
                                            F< #Msg
Binary compressed message #Msg
is sent using format described
in appendix 7

 From TPK version 1.80 (packet communication program developed by FC1EBN),
this protocol is implemented.

FBB PG programs

PG programs development.

 PG programs are in the PG subdirectory. They are small programs allowing
interactivity with the user.

 COM or EXE programs can be called.

 PG programs must be little as the amount of memory is limited and fast
because the multitasking is stopped during its activity.

 To run a PG program and start a session, the user must type the command PG
followed by the name of the program. The PG command alone gives the content
of the PG subdirectory. The PG program is particularly developed for FBB
software but can be an interface to a standard program.

 Each time a complete line (up to the return character) is received, the PG
program is called with some arguments including a level number. This number
is incremented each time the program is called in the same PG session. The
first time the level number will be 0.

 The line arguments given to the PG program are :

- Callsign (format as F6FBB-8).
- Level number (0 is the first time, up to 99).
- Flags of the user (binary number as user`s mask of INIT.SRV).
- Record number of the user in INF.SYS.
- Received data (each word is a new argument).

 The PG program ends with an exit value. This value is very important and
tells the BBS what to do :

 0 : end of session and return to the BBS menu.
 1 : the program will be called again and the level number is incremented.
 2 : the user will be disconnected.
 3 : the receive data will be sent as a BBS command and return to BBS.
 4 : the receive data will be sent as a BBS command, level incremented.
 5 : the program will be called again, but the level is not incremented.

 The data sent by the PG program to the standard output will be sent to the
user. This allows a real interactivity between the user and the PG program.

  Here is an example of a small program :

 * Little test program of "PG" command for FBB BBS software.
 * (C) F6FBB 1991.
 * FBB software 5.14 and up.
 * This program echoes to the user what he types
 * or executes a BBS command preceded by "CMD"
 * until "BYE" is received

#include <stdio.h>

main(int argc, char **argv)
  int  i;
  int  level = atoi(argv[2]);        /* Get level from argument list   */

                                     /* and transform it to integer    */
  if (level == 0) {                  /* Is level equal to 0 ?          */
                                     /* This is the first call         */
    printf("Hello %s, type BYE when you want to stop !\n", argv[1]);
    return(1);                       /* program will be called again   */
  else {
    strupr(argv[5]);                 /* Capitalise the first word      */
    if (strcmp(argv[5], "BYE") == 0) {       /* is BYE received ?      */
      printf("Ok, bye-bye\n");
      return(0);                     /* Yes, go on BBS                 */
    else if (strcmp(argv[5], "CMD") == 0) {  /* is CMD received ?      */
      for (i = 6 ; i < argc ; i++)   /* List line arguments            */
      printf("%s ", argv[i]);        /* sent by user                   */
      for (i = 6 ; i < argc ; i++)   /* List line arguments            */
        printf("%s ", argv[i]);      /* sent by user                   */
      return(4);                     /* Yes, send command              */
    else {
      printf("You told me : ");      /* These are other lines          */
      for (i = 5 ; i < argc ; i++)   /* List line arguments            */
      printf("%s ", argv[i]);        /* sent by user                   */
      return(1);                     /* No, call again program         */

FBB Message filtering

 FBB software allows filtering messages. Filtering is not done by the BBS
software but by external programs developed by users.

 When the BBS starts, the M_FILTER does not really need to be there.  But at
the first message, it must exist.  If it does not exist at THAT time, it will
not be checked again.  So if a M_FILTER is added after that, the BBS must be
rebooted for the filter to take effect.

M_FILTER may be interactive and allows to incorporate some features like 
dedicated information for predefined callsigns, password filtering, etc...

 I did not develop such programs, but this is an open door to many

 The M_FILTER program must be found by the PATH of MsDos. Its extension can
be COM or EXE, and it must be little and fast as multitasking is stopped
during the activity of this program. If this program is not found, it will
not be called until the BBS is rebooted.

 The M_FILTER may also be created as a DLL.  Both for WinFBB and DosFBB (!!).
The filter must be installed in the path (\FBB\BIN) of Dos.

 The message filter is called (if found) each time a message is ready to be
recorded (when Ctrl Z or /EX is received). The decision to validate or not
the message is function of the exit value of the M_FILTER program.

 The M_FILTER program (if found) is called with some arguments including a
level number. This number is incremented each time the program is called in
the same connection session. The first time the level number will be 0.

 The line arguments given to the M_FILTER program are :

- File name including the text of the message.
- Type of the message (P, B, T).
- Sender.
- "To" field.
- Record number of DIRMES.SYS file.

 The M_FILTER program ends with an exit value. This value is very important
and tells the BBS what to do :

 0 : Message is recorded.
 1 : Message is killed   (status = K).
 2 : Message is archived (status = A).
 3 : Message is held     (status = H).

 * The message filter MUST be named M_FILTER (COM or EXE).
 * This example only writes its call arguments in the TEST.MES file.
 * It is called with 5 arguments :
 *   File name of the message.
 *   Type .
 *   Sender.
 *   To.
 *   Number of the record in the DIRMES.SYS file.
 * If it returns 0 : The message is accepted.
 *               1 : The message is killed (status K).
 *               2 : The message is archived (status A).

#include <stdio.h>
main(argc, argv)
int  argc;
char **argv;
  int  i;
  FILE * fptr = fopen("TEST.MES", "at");

  for (i = 0 ; i < argc ; fprintf(fptr, "%s ", argv[i++]));
  fputc('\n', fptr);



FBB Connections filtering

 software allows filtering on connection. Filtering is not done by the
BBS software but by external programs developed by users.

 When the BBS starts, the C_FILTER does not really need to be there.  But at
the first connect it must exist.  If it does not exist at THAT time, it will
not be checked again.  So if a C_FILTER is added after that, the BBS must be
rebooted for the filter to take effect.

 Connection filter may be interactive and allows to incorporate some features
like dedicated information for predefined callsigns, password filtering,

 The C_FILTER program must be found by the PATH of MsDos. Its extension can
be COM or EXE, and it must be little and fast as multitasking is stopped
during the activity of this program. If this program is not found, it will
not be called until the BBS is rebooted.

 The C_FILTER may also be created as a DLL.  Both for WinFBB and DosFBB (!!).
The filter must be installed in the path (\FBB\BIN) of Dos.

 When receiving the connection, the C_FILTER program (if found) is called
with some arguments including a level number. This number is incremented each
time the program is called in the same connection session. The first time the
level number will be 0.

 The line arguments given to the C_FILTER program are :

- Callsign (format as F6FBB-8).
- Level number (0 is the first time, up to 99).
- Flags of the user (binary number as user`s mask of INIT.SRV).
- New : Flag indicating if the user is unknown in the BBS database.
- Record number of the user in INF.SYS.
- New: one more parameter before the optional text. It indicates the
  port where was connected the user.
- Received data (in one argument).

 The C_FILTER program ends with an exit value. This value is very important
and tells the BBS what to do :

 Return value (for C_FILTER):
 0 : Connection is accepted
 1 : C_FILTER will called again, level is incremented
 2 : Connection is refused, user is disconnected
 3 : Connection is accepted, but in read-only mode
 4 : Connection is accepted, but messages will be hold.
 100 and up
   : C_FILTER will called again, next level is equal to the return value.

Example of C_FILTERs.  First C_FILTER.EXE, next C_FILTER.DLL:


 * Connection filter for FBB BBS software. (C) F6FBB 1991.

#include <stdio.h>

 * Connexion filter called for each connection.
 * All datas sent to stdout will be sent to the user.
 * Filter is called with some arguments on the command line :
 * C_FILTER CallSign Level Flags New Record ReceivedData....
 * The return value tells the BBS if C_FILTER must be called again or not
 * 0 if the BBS can go on,
 * 1 if the C_FILTER must be called again
 * 2 if the user must be disconnected.
 * Callsign is in the FORM CALLSIGN-SSID (F6FBB-0).
 * The first time C_FILTER is called Level=0, and then will be incremented
 * each time it is called for the same connection.
 * Flags give the flags of the user (MGPBSXLE) in a bit field. as defined
 * in the INIT.SRV user's mask. (0x80=Modem, 0x40=Guest, etc...)
 * If New=1, then this is the first connection of the user on the BBS.
 * Record is the record number in the INF.SYS file.
 * All other arguments are the words sent by the user
 * (password for instance).
 * The number of arguments is variable and depends of the number of words
 * in the answer of the user.

 * This is only a little example to test the system. It will be called
 * four times and will give the list of arguments.
 * The fourth time, the hand will be given back to the BBS.

main(int ac, char **av)
  int i;
  int level = atoi(av[2]);            /* Get level from argument list  */
                                      /* and transform it to integer   */

  if (level == 0) {                   /* Is level equal to 0 ?         */
    printf("Connection line :\n");    /* This is the first call        */
    for (i = 0 ; i < ac ; i++)        /* List line arguments           */
    printf("%s ", av[i]);
    return(1);                        /* C_FILTER must be called again */
  else {
    printf("Following line  :\n");    /* These are other lines         */
    for (i = 0 ; i < ac ; i++)        /* List line arguments           */
      printf("%s ", av[i]);
    if (level == 4)                   /* Is it the last time ?         */
      return(0);                      /* Yes, go on BBS                */
      return(1);                      /* No, call once more C_FILTER   */

Next example, C_FILTER.DLL:

#define STRICT
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

 *    Code (C) F6FBB 1995-1996
 *  C_FILTER example
 *  svc_main is the only exported function. It must exist as WFBB will
 *  look for it. All filters are in the same format. If not NULL,
 *  r_buf allow to give a direct text back to the BBS
 * The size of the buffer is given by the parameter len.
 *  Answers may also go to stdout (slower...).
 *  This code is only an example and was not fully tested. It could
 *  give problems as I am not an expert !
 * The used compiler is a Borland C++ 4.5
 *  The DLL is not linked with the code, but checked and loaded when
 *  needed by WFBB.
 * This is an example of the C_FILTER.DEF file :
 *  HEAPSIZE       1024
 * Parameters are (for C_FILTER):
 * ac[0] : The name of the filter (C_FILTER)
 * ac[1] : The callsign and SSID
 * ac[2] : Level number (from 0)
 * ac[3] : Flags
 * ac[4] : Boolean for new user
 * ac[5] : Recordnumber in INF.SYS
 * ac[6] : Port number
 * ac[7] : Optionnal Command received
 * r_buf : The buffer to put an answer
 * len   : The size of the answer buffer
 * Return value (for C_FILTER):
 * 0 : Connection is accepted
 * 1 : C_FILTER will called again, level is incremented
 * 2 : Connection is refused, user is disconnected
 * 3 : Connection is accepted, but in read-only mode
 * 4 : Connection is accepted, but messages will be hold.
 * 100 and up
 *   : C_FILTER will called again, next level is equal to the return value.

int _export FAR PASCAL svc_main (int ac, char FAR ** av, char FAR * r_buf, int len)
	if (len > 20)
		sprintf (r_buf, "Inside the C_FILTER\r");
	return (0);

FBB Programming servers

Programming technics for servers.

 The servers are exec programs (.COM or .EXE). They are compact and fast.
They will work as the function of the messages which are addressed to them.

 They should be compact because the available memory to run their application
is limited (check the information Ok:nnnn in the status window). They should
be fast because they are executed in the MsDos environment which is not

 The programming language can be of any kind provided that it could be
compiled and that it is able to read parameters which are given appended in
the command line.

 I wrote three servers in TurboC but I have no equivalent in TurboPascal or
in TurboBasic, since I usually don't write in these languages. The working
principle remains always the same whatever language is utilized.

 The program is called with the following manner from the MsDos (Example for
the REQDIR.COM command) :


 TEMP.$$$ is the name of the file in which the message addressed to REQDIR is
located. It is necessary to read the name of this file in the command line,
as the one can change from one call to another.

 The file TEMP.$$$ contains the message with the following format :

 Title of message
 Text of message line 1
 Text of message line 2
 Text of message last line.

 The server should then eventually work as a function of the contents of this

 The server can read and make use of the configuration file of the BBS
software (in particular INIT.SRV) to execute its process.

 If the server generates a return message, it should be APPENDED to the
incoming mail file to the BBS. The name of this file can be found in
INIT.SRV. Take care : it is necessary to open the incoming mail file in
APPEND as to add the answer at the end of the file. If it is not done this
way, the messages which could be waiting in this file are destroyed.

 The incoming mail file is tested each and every minute, except in the case
of the usage of a service, where it is tested right after.

 The format of the messages in the incoming mail file is identical to the
format of the file given to the server. Several messages can be written
sequentially in the file. There should not be blank lines or separations
between the messages. The routing fields (@ field), and the originator (<
field) should mandatory be specified. The originator field is the callsign of
the BBS which is taken from the INIT.SRV file.

 Example of server REQFIL written in C language.

 * REQFIL.C Server example.
 * This server is called with a command line like this :
 * FILE is the filename of the message to be answered.
 * This server answers to a message like this :
 * Text is not necessary
 * /EX
 * by a message like this
 * # <- This is a local message
 * SP FC1EBN @ F6ABJ < F6FBB <- command line
 * Req File : TEST.TXT <- subject
 * Contents of the file <- text
 * etc.....
 * /EX <- end of text (must be in 1st column)
 * Appent to mail in bbs file.
 * The server receives from FBB software 1 argument :
 * argv[1] = Name of the file including the message received from
 * FBB software.
 * ============================================
 * The server must APPEND its answer to MAIL.IN
 * file to avoid destroying existing mail.
 * ============================================
 * As this server opens the INIT.SRV file, it must be in the same
 * directory.

 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>

 /* Offsets of parameters from INIT.SRV */

 #define BBS_CALL 1
 #define USER_DIR 8
 #define MAIL_IN 14

 main(int argc, char **argv)
 #define LINE 80
   int end = 0;
   int index = 0;
   FILE *fptr;
   char buffer[LINE];
   char sender[LINE];
   char route[LINE];
   char file[LINE];
   char bbs_call[LINE];
   char base_dir[LINE];
   char mail_in[LINE];

   if (argc != 2) exit(1);            /* Check the number of arguments */

   /* The first task is to open and then read the message */

   fptr = fopen(argv[1], "rt") ;      /* Open the received message */
   if (fptr == NULL) exit(1);

   fgets(buffer, LINE, fptr);         /* Read the command line */
   sscanf(buffer, "%*s %*s %*s %s\n", sender);

   *file = *route = '\0';
   fgets(buffer, LINE, fptr);         /* Read the subject */
   strupr(buffer);                    /* Capitalize */

   /* Scan dir and route */
   sscanf(buffer, "%[^@\n]%[^\n]", file, route);

   fclose(fptr);                   /* All needed is read in the message */

   /* We must get some informations from the INIT.SRV file */

   fptr = fopen("INIT.SRV", "rt"); /* Open the file */
   if (fptr == NULL) exit(1);

   /* Scan the file to get the requested lines. */
   while (!end) {
     fgets(buffer, LINE, fptr) ;
     if (*buffer == '#') continue; /* Comments ignored */

     switch (++index) {

     case BBS_CALL:
       sscanf(buffer,"%[0-9A-Za-z]", bbs_call);
       break; /* Callsign */

     case USER_DIR:
       sscanf(buffer,"%s\n", base_dir);
       break; /* Users directory */

     case MAIL_IN :
       sscanf(buffer,"%s\n", mail_in);
       end = 1; /* Mail in file */



   /* Append the answer to mail in file */
   /* Mail in file is opened in appent text mode */

   if (fptr = fopen(mail_in, "at")) {

     /* Tell that this is a message from this BBS */

     fprintf(fptr, "#\n");

     /* Send command line */
     fprintf(fptr, "SP %s %s < %s\n",
     sender, route, bbs_call);

     /* Send subject and requested file */
     send_file(fptr, base_dir, file);

     /* Send end of message */
     fprintf(fptr, "/EX\n");

     /* That's all ! */
   exit(0);                                /* Tell BBS all is correct */

 int points(char *ptr)   /* Looks for a ".." sequence in the path */
   while (*ptr) {
     if ((*ptr == '.') && (*(ptr+1) == '.')) return(1);
   return(0);          /* ".." not fond ! */

 send_file(FILE *fptr, char *base_dir, char *filename)
 #define BUF_SIZE 1000
   int fd;
   int nb;
   char path[256];
   char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
   char last_char;

   sprintf(path, "%s%s", base_dir, filename);       /* Complete path */

   fprintf(fptr, "ReqFil 1.1 : %s\n", filename);       /* Subject */

   if ((!points(path)) && ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY | O_TEXT)) != -1)) {
     while (nb = read(fd, buffer, BUF_SIZE)) {
       fwrite(buffer, nb, 1, fptr);
       last_char = buffer[nb-1];

     /* Be sure /EX will be in first column */
     if (last_char != '\n') fputc('\n', fptr);

   else fprintf(fptr, "File not found !\n");