Jnos aprs setup

I running Jnos2.0m with the Aprs server enabled. This is the configuration that I use.

aprs log /home/pd9q/jnos/aprs/master.log
aprs interface ax0
aprs logon call PD9Q-10
# I want the APRS Internet System to only send me traffic
# for stations that are within 300 KM, of my location. In my
# case, the city of Winnipeg is roughly 49d54m (Latitude)
# and -97d7m (Longitude).
#aprs logon filter r/51.3352/3.4815/50
# Configure the Position and Status texts that are broadcast
# out to the APRS Internet System (APRS IS).
aprs bc stat "Jnos inet/aprs gateway PD9Q-10"
aprs bc pos "5133.52N/00348.15E & JNOS https://packet-radio.net"
aprs bc timer 720
# Configure the Position and Status texts that are broadcast out
# the default APRS RF port (set by the aprs interface command).
aprs bc rfstat "Jnos inet/aprs gateway PD9Q-10"
aprs bc rfpos "5133.52N/00348.15E & JNOS https://packet-radio.net"
aprs bc rftimer 10
# APRS route add
ax25 route add apz200 ax0 WIDE1-1
ax25 route add id ax0 WIDE1-1
# I don't use WX - following for development purposes only
aprs wx call PD9Q-13
aprs wx stat "Weather Station - Kortgene JO11VN"
aprs wx pos "5133.52N/00348.15E_METEO packet-radio.nl:14501"
aprs wx data "/home/pd9q/jnos/wx/current.wx"
aprs bc rftimer 10
# Heard table
aprs hsize 10
# Turn on digi
aprs flags +digi +debug
# Stuff for the 14501 status page
aprs contact m "pd9q@packet-radio.net"
aprs locator "JO11VN"
# Connection to APRS internet system
aprs server add pa4tw.nl 10152
# Potential APRS Clients
#aprs client add 14825
# IF you want to gate traffic to RF - BE VERY CAREFULL
# with these filters. You don't want to FLOOD your local
# frequencies with solid traffic. You've been warned !!
#aprs calls fwdtorf VE4 VA4 VE3JJ VE3HDU
#aprs calls postorf VE4 VA4 VE3JJ VE3HDU
#aprs calls stattorf VE4 VA4 VE3JJ VE3HDU
#aprs calls wxtorf VE4 VA4 S VE3JJ VE3HDU
# This next entry gives specific IP address(s) permission to use the
# browser based APRS message center to it's full capacity. By default,
# the message center allows READ-ONLY access (ie, you can't send).
aprs calls ip45845
aprs email local
# Activate the core NOSaprs service
aprs listen on
# If you want the NOSaprs status page to be available,
# for example, 'http://localhost:14501'.
start aprs 14501
# If you want the NOSaprs browser based message center
# for example, 'http://localhost:14845'.
start aprs 45845