Hy End Fed / Scs DSP TNC

Today I bought a Hy End Fed antenna for the bands 10/15/20/40/80. The radiation direction will be NNE North-northeast and SSW South-southwest. Better East and West but unfortunately that is not a option. This Hy End Fed is made by a Dutch company. https://www.hyendcompany.nl

The antenna I bought is this one.

I also bought a nice small modem. The Scs DPS TNC. It very small 🙂 (about 50 euro`s on sort of ebay)
I hope that it will be possible to operate hf packet on the 105net network. Would love to connect a 300Baud link to the 105net network.

Some details about the Hy End Fed MK3

HyEndFed 5 band for 80/40/20/15/10 Meter
Max. Power : 200 watt PEP, SSB.
Length : 23 meter.

Bandwidth 100 KHz at 80 meters, without tuner.

Aluminum mounting plate with galvanized clamps.
Mast diameter 40 to 58mm.
Enclosure : Polycarbonate IP67, 100% UV resistant.
SO239 Connector Teflon.
All hardware Stainless steel.

Some detials about the ScS DSP TNC

Technical Data

•Universal TNC and APRS position tracker with DSP, 
USB-connection, output to control a switching relay 
(e.g. to switch the radio's power supply). 
NMEA input/output for GPS data, bi-coloured LED's, 
4 DIP switch for the basic configuration.

•Optically isolated USB-connection to the computer, 
generally well filtered I/O's to avoid hum and susceptibility in HF environments. 
Metal case.

•Use of temperature stabilized oscillator (TCXO) 
for high reliablilty under all temperature conditions.

•10..20 V DC supply power, use of highly efficient internal power regulators.

•Mini-Din connector, compatible to the usual transceiver "Packet-Connector".

•Currently implemented protocols: Generally AX.25, level 2.


•300 baud AFSK (old HF-Packet standard) with new developed multi-detector: 
The DSP automatically processes a frequency range of +- 400 Hz 
looking for 300 bd transmissions and receives 
all detected signals in PARALLEL. No exact tuning by the user is necessary any more, 
but always perfect reception!

•200/600 baud "HF Robust-Packet", 8-tone PSK, 500 Hz bandwidth, 
automatic frequency tracking (RX) +- 240 Hz.

•1200 baud AFSK (standard Packet-Radio) with special filtering 
to avoid adjacent channel interference, and degradations by AC hum.

•9600/19200 baud direct FSK (G3RUH compatible) with optimized DC removal by the DSP.

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