Compile Instructions Jnos2.0k

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July 26, 2016 - Compile instructions for JNOS 2.0k

1) There is NO incremental update from previous versions, too much
   has changed, and a mass compile is required anyways.

   Put the compressed tar file into an empty directory, then :

    gunzip jnos2.0k.tar.gz
    tar xvf jnos2.0k.tar
    cd jnos/src/rsync

2) Before you compile and IF you have your own config.h from a previous
   version of JNOS 2.0, then you can copy it over if you like. However, if
   you choose to do this, do a 'diff' between your 'config.h' and the new
   'config.h.default' shipped with JNOS 2.0k - to see what new features
   you might be missing out on. It is probably not a big deal, but you
   should know about it anyways.

   IF you are starting from scratch, the compile process automatically
   copies the 'config.h.default' to 'config.h' (only if the latter is not
   present) and then compiles the whole thing.

   IF you want to edit a new config.h BEFORE the compile starts, then use
   the 'make defconfig' command first. That will create the 'config.h' for
   you, then you can edit it to suit your own preferences.

3) To compile and link JNOS, just enter the 'make' command.

   Please note that warnings may happen, although with this release I have
   made extra effort to try and clean them ALL up, your mileage will vary.

4) That's it, if all goes well, you should have a new 'jnos' binary.

5) Why is 'jnos' binary so large AND what to do about JNOS crashing !

   Note that my makefile has debugging turned on, so any 'jnos' binary
   you compile will be large (because it contains debuggin info). If you
   are not at all interested in debugging, then you can reduce the size
   of the 'jnos' binary using the following command :

    strip jnos

   which will strip out the debugging information and symbol table.

   If you ARE interested in helping me fix bugs, then I encourage you to
   run the GDB debugger that comes with most linux distros, AND make sure
   you do NOT strip the 'jnos' binary, since it contains important info for
   the debugger to use when a crash occurs.

   Using GDB is easy. With JNOS running already, find out it's pid, using
   the linux command, 'ps -ef | grep jnos'. Once you know what the pid is,
   then run the gdb debugger something like this :

    gdb -p pid

   GDB will load, JNOS will hang temporarily, and GDB will suddenly give
   you a prompt. Enter the command, 'continue', at the prompt, and JNOS
   will continue to run again.

   When a crash occurs, GDB will break out to the prompt again, and JNOS
   will hang. Take a screen shot of what GDB printed out, then type in
   the command, 'back full', at the GDB prompt, and note the info that
   appears. Please send all of that information to me, with a brief
   explanation of what might have been going on at the time.

   If you have JNOS logging in effect, please send me the log file at
   the time of the crash if you don't mind. Logs are under /jnos/logs/
   directory (by default).

JNOS 2.0k released - 26Jul2016

* Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

2 thoughts on “Compile Instructions Jnos2.0k”

  1. Hello Niels
    I’m trying to install jnos in rpi as per above instruction. But when I do item 3 (make) the compilation ends with error:
    wlauth.c:31:25: fatal error: openssl/md5.h: No such file or directory
    I did not find where is openssl/md5.h
    Please can you help me to resolve it.
    Thank you 73

    1. Niels please drop my request. I resolved it. It must be installed 2 items:
      apt-get install libssl-dev
      apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev
      I had not installed it. Now the JNOS is has compiled successfuly. I’ll try it now running within
      my ax25 system.

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