First, be aware of this useful feature:
If PORT.SYS does not exist, FBB looks for
So it is possible to have for example DosFBB and WinFBB files in the PC
at the same time. This is useful at sites where you want to change
from WinFBB to DosFBB from time to time..
I have divided this section in two parts:
1 : Simple instruction (for first-time setup).
2 : Advanced setup, with more details.
2.1 : For BPQ.
2.2 : For DRSI.
1: Simple instruction (for first-time setup).
This file is found in the directory called SYSTEM (if you used my default
directory-names). In this file we decide what kind of TNCs to use, how many
available channels etc. You must do several changes here, and be very careful
that you do all changes correctly. If you don`t, the BBS cannot operate
properly. Remember that a line starting with # is a comment-line, and the
BBS ignores these lines.
# FBB7.00
# File for programming of channels and TNCs.
# Ports : How many ports (COM1, COM2, Etc...)
# TNCs : How many TNCs and modems in use. With multiplexer
# there can be up to 4 TNCs per port.
#Ports TNCs
2 2
Next you must type one complete line of parametres for each COM-port you
use. You must be careful to use the correct values here.
Here are the valid interfaces for DosFBB and WinFBB:
For WinFBB:
The mostly-used interface for WinFBB is 6. This interface replaces ESS,
MBBIOS etc and FBBIOS. The driver is FBBCOMM.DRV, which is installed
during the installation-process.
In WinFBB ONLY THESE interfaces are available:
# Interface : 2 = BPQ-node (BPQ in AA4RE-mode)
# 4 = DRSI
# 5 = TFPCR/TFPCX interface. Interrupt MUST be 0xFD or the same
# as stated in INIT.SRV, if any..
# 6 = Windows-driver, replaces both ESS, ESSKAM and FBBIOS.
# 7 = TCP/IP. Needs WINSOCK.DLL. Put port-adress as 17.
# TNC-emulation is T (see below)
# 8 = TFWin.dll (only WinFBB32)
# BEWARE: The old interface 1 and 3 will NOT be used in WinFBB. Interface 6
# replaces both. (FBBCOMM.DRV). Neither ESS nor FBBIOS can be
# used with WinFBB !
For LinFBB (Linux):
# Interface 9 = Linux. Can work via serial port (D),via AX25 domain
# socket (X) or via Telnet port (T).
For DosFBB:e COMBIOS, BPQ or DRSI-card, you must be careful to
give the correct values here. If you use COMBIOS, FBBIOS, BPQ etc, they
must always be loaded before you start the BBS-program.
In DosFBB ONLY THESE interfaces are available:
# Interface : 1 = Use external COMBIOS-driver (MBBIOS, ESS etc)
# 2 = BPQ-node v 4.05 and up (BPQ in AA4RE-mode)
# 3 = Telephone-modem with FBBIOS
# 4 = DRSI card with driver
# 5 = TFPCR/TFPCX interface. Interrupt MUST be 0xFD or the same
# as stated in INIT.SRV, if any..
Example for WinFBB:
I use 2 TNCs, one on COM1 and one on COM3, and I use the standard
FBBCOMM.DRV loaded by Windows:
# Com : COM-number (1,2,...8)
# Interface : 2 = BPQ-node (BPQ in AA4RE-mode)
# 4 = DRSI
# 5 = TFPCR/TFPCX interface. Interrupt MUST be 0xFD or the same
# as stated in INIT.SRV, if any..
# 6 = Windows-driver, replaces both ESS, ESSKAM and FBBIOS.
# 7 = TCP/IP. Needs WINSOCK.DLL. Put port-address as 17.
# TNC-emulation is T (see below)
# 8 = TFWin.dll (only WinFBB32)
# Address : Address of port in hexadecimal (Needed for multiplexer).
# In LinFBB:
# Address is the device name (/dev/cua0).
# Be sure you have the rights to access to the device (rw-rw-rw-).
# When using kernel AF_AX25 socket, address is not used.
# When using Telnet, address is the Telnet port in Hex (Hex 17 = Telnet port 23)
# Baud : Ports baud rate. Ignored by BPQ, kernel AF_AX25 socket and Telnet.
# Use same number of lines as number of ports.
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
1 6 3F8 9600
3 6 338 9600
>Same example for DosFBB:
I use 2 TNCs, one on COM1 and one on COM3, and I use the ESS-driver
(ESS must be properly loaded before FBB is started):
# Com : COM-number (1,2,...8)
# Interface : 1 = Use external COMBIOS-driver (MBBIOS, ESS etc)
# 2 = BPQ-node v 4.05 and up (BPQ in AA4RE-mode)
# 3 = Telephone-modem with FBBIOS
# 4 = DRSI card with driver
# 5 = TFPCR/TFPCX interface. Interrupt MUST be 0xFD or the same
# as stated in INIT.SRV, if any..
# Address : Address of port in hexadecimal (Needed for multiplexer).
# In LinFBB:
# Address is the device name (/dev/cua0).
# Be sure you have the rights to access to the device (rw-rw-rw-).
# When using kernel AF_AX25 socket, address is not used.
# When using Telnet, address is the Telnet port in Hex (Hex 17 = Telnet port 23)
# Baud : Ports baud rate. Ignored by BPQ, kernel AF_AX25 socket and Telnet.
# Use same number of lines as number of ports.
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
1 1 3F8 9600
3 1 338 9600
Same example for LinFBB (Linux):
# Com : COM-number (1,2,...8)
# Interface 9 = Linux. Can work via serial port (D),via AX25 domain
# socket (X) or via Telnet port (T).
# Address : Address of port in hexadecimal (Needed for multiplexer).
# In LinFBB:
# Address is the device name (/dev/cua0).
# Be sure you have the rights to access to the device (rw-rw-rw-).
# When using kernel AF_AX25 socket, address is not used.
# When using Telnet, address is the Telnet port in Hex (Hex 17 = Telnet port 23)
# Baud : Ports baud rate. Ignored by BPQ, kernel AF_AX25 socket and Telnet.
# Use same number of lines as number of ports.
#Com Interface Address (Device) Baud
1 9 /dev/cua0 9600
3 9 /dev/cua2 9600
Once more, the number of lines below must be the same as number of TNCs in
use. One line for each TNC. I think most of it is self-explanatory. MultCh
will normally be 1. If you use DRSI-card, you can use a value from 0 to 7.
If you use BPQ, the first TNC must have MultCh 0, the next must have MultCh1
and so on. This is very important. If you have a KAM in host-mode, you must
use 1 for VHF and 2 for HF. When using kernel AF_AX25 socket in Linux,
MultCh is the interface name (eg: ax0).
MxBloc decides how many kb will be forwarded one way to another BBS before
the forward is reversed. Leave this value at 10 for VHF/UHF and a little
smaller for HF. Type host-mode depends on your TNC, and if you use BPQ :
# TNC : Number on TNC in use. Use 0 for file-forward !
# NbCh : Number of channels I want to use in the TNC.
# Maximum available channels depend on firmware.
# Com : Number of the COM-port. Com1, Com2 etc.
# MultCh : Number of channel if port-multiplexer is used, otherwise 1.
# In DRSI use values from 0 to 7, by KAM use 1/VHF and 2/HF.
# With BPQ first TNC must have MultCh 0, the next 1, etc.
# When using kernel AF_AX25 socket in Linux, MultCh is the
# interface name (eg: ax0)
# Paclen : PACLEN on this TNC.
# Maxframe: The maximum nb of frames the TNC will send at a time.
# NbFwd : Number of channels for OUTGOING forward at same time.
# MxBloc : Size of forward-block in kb.
# M/P-Fwd : Minute of the hour for start of forward, and period
# (how many minutes between each forward-start).
# Port mode, one of these:
# B : BBS-mode.
# G : "Guest"-mode.
# U : Normal-mode.
# Type host-mode, one of these:
# D : WA8DED
# K : KAM hostmode. Must use ESSKAM driver.
# P : PK-232
# Q : BPQ v 4.x
# T : Ethernet/TCP-IP
# X : AX25 domain socket (for Linux)
# Addition: One or more of these letters can be used too:
# L : Send unproto beacon after each arriving mail.
# M : Telephone-modem.
# Y : Yapp allowed on this QRG.
# W : Gateway allowed TO this QRG.
# R : Modem port allowed in Read-only mode.
# Freq. : Text to describe this port (max 9 characters, no space)
# Same number of lines as TNCs:
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq
1 7 1 1 230 4 1 10 30/60 UDYW 433.650
2 1 3 1 80 2 1 5 17/30 GDW 15/20m
At the end of the file, you can specify one (or more) callsigns and SSIDs
for some channels. You might use this for special callsigns on forward-
channels. If you don't need this (you probably don't, at least not the first
times..), place an # in front of the line. This only works with WA8DED
# Special callsigns and modes for some channels.
#TNC Nbs Callsign-SSID Mode
1 2 LA1B-1 B
# End of file.
2. Advanced setup, with more details.
The BBS may use a special port-multiplexer so that you can have up to
4 TNCs per COM-port.
For DosFBB you may also use other drivers like COMBIOS, MBBIOS, FBBIOS etc.
These drivers must be loaded BEFORE the BBS-program. You can include the
drivers in APPEL.BAT for convenience. It is possible to use telephone-modem
with the BBS. In that case the number of TNCs include the modem. The FBBIOS-
driver must be loaded before the BBS starts.
For WinFBB you do not need COMBIOS, MBBIOS, ESS or FBBIOS. They are all
included in FBBCOMM.DRV (interface 6).
Example for WinFBB:
Standard PORT.SYS with 1 TNC (COM1) with WA8DED-hostmode,
FBBCOMM.DRV-driver, 4 channels, 1 channel for outgoing forward, 1 channel
reserved for BBSs with callsign LA1B-1 :
# FBB7.00
# File for programming of channels and TNCs.
# Ports : How many ports (COM1, COM2, Etc...)
# TNCs : How many TNCs and modems in use. With multiplexer
# there can be up to 4 TNCs per port.
#Ports TNCs
1 1
#In WinFBB ONLY THESE interfaces are available:
# Interface : 2 = BPQ-node (BPQ in AA4RE-mode)
# 4 = DRSI
# 5 = TFPCR/TFPCX interface. Interrupt MUST be 0xFD or the same
# as stated in INIT.SRV, if any..
# 6 = Windows-driver, replaces both ESS, ESSKAM and FBBIOS.
# 7 = TCP/IP. Needs WINSOCK.DLL. Put port-address as 17.
# TNC-emulation is T (see below)
# 8 = TFWin.dll (only WinFBB32)
# BEWARE: The old interface 1 and 3 will NOT be used in WinFBB. Interface 6
# replaces both. (FBBCOMM.DRV). Neither ESS nor FBBIOS can be
# used with WinFBB !
In LinFBB ONLY this interface is available:
# Interface 9 = Linux. Can work via serial port (D),via AX25 domain
# socket (X) or via Telnet port (T).
#In DosFBB ONLY THESE interfaces are available:
# Interface : 1 = Use external COMBIOS-driver (MBBIOS, ESS etc)
# 2 = BPQ-node v 4.05 and up (BPQ in AA4RE-mode)
# 3 = Telephone-modem with FBBIOS
# 4 = DRSI card with driver
# 5 = TFPCR/TFPCX interface. Interrupt MUST be 0xFD or the same
# as stated in INIT.SRV, if any..
# Address : Address of port in hexadecimal (Needed for multiplexer).
# In LinFBB:
# Address is the device name (/dev/cua0).
# Be sure you have the rights to access to the device (rw-rw-rw-).
# When using kernel AF_AX25 socket, address is not used.
# When using Telnet, address is the Telnet port in Hex (Hex 17 = Telnet port 23)
# Baud : Ports baud rate. Ignored by BPQ, kernel AF_AX25 socket and Telnet.
# Use same number of lines as number of ports.
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
1 6 3F8 9600
# TNC : Number on TNC in use. Use 0 for file-forward !
# NbCh : Number of channels I want to use in the TNC.
# Maximum available channels depend on firmware.
# Com : Number of the COM-port. Com1, Com2 etc.
# MultCh : Number of channel if port-multiplexer is used, otherwise 1.
# In DRSI use values from 0 to 7, by KAM use 1/VHF and 2/HF.
# With BPQ first TNC must have MultCh 0, the next 1, etc.
# When using kernel AF_AX25 socket in Linux, MultCh is the
# interface name (eg: ax0)
# Paclen : PACLEN on this TNC.
# Maxframe: The maximum nb of frames the TNC will send at a time.
# NbFwd : Number of channels for OUTGOING forward at same time.
# MxBloc : Size of forward-block in kb.
# M/P-Fwd : Minute of the hour for start of forward, and period
# (how many minutes between each forward-start).
# Port mode, one of these:
# B : BBS-mode.
# G : "Guest"-mode.
# U : Normal-mode.
# Type host-mode, one of these:
# D : WA8DED
# K : KAM hostmode. Must use ESSKAM driver.
# P : PK-232
# Q : BPQ v 4.x
# T : Ethernet/TCP-IP
# X : AX25 domain socket (for Linux)
# Addition: One or more of these letters can be used too:
# L : Send unproto beacon after each arriving mail.
# M : Telephone-modem.
# Y : Yapp allowed on this QRG.
# W : Gateway allowed TO this QRG.
# R : Modem port allowed in Read-only mode.
# Freq. : Text to describe this port (max 9 characters, no space)
# Same number of lines as TNCs:
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq
1 4 1 1 230 4 1 10 30/60 UDYL 433.650
# Special callsigns and modes for some channels.
#TNC Nbs Callsign-SSID Mode
1 1 LA1B-1 B
# End of file.
Same example for LinFBB (Linux):
Standard PORT.SYS with 1 TNC (COM1) with WA8DED-hostmode,
4 channels, 1 channel for outgoing forward, 1 channel
reserved for BBSs with callsign LA1B-1 :
# FBB7.00
# File for programming of channels and TNCs.
# Ports : How many ports (COM1, COM2, Etc...)
# TNCs : How many TNCs and modems in use. With multiplexer
# there can be up to 4 TNCs per port.
#Ports TNCs
1 1
#n WinFBB ONLY THESE interfaces are available:
# Interface : 2 = BPQ-node (BPQ in AA4RE-mode)
# 4 = DRSI
# 5 = TFPCR/TFPCX interface. Interrupt MUST be 0xFD or the same
# as stated in INIT.SRV, if any..
# 6 = Windows-driver, replaces both ESS, ESSKAM and FBBIOS.
# 7 = TCP/IP. Needs WINSOCK.DLL. Put port-address as 17.
# TNC-emulation is T (see below)
# 8 = TFWin.dll (only WinFBB32)
# BEWARE: The old interface 1 and 3 will NOT be used in WinFBB. Interface 6
# replaces both. (FBBCOMM.DRV). Neither ESS nor FBBIOS can be
# used with WinFBB !
#In LinFBB ONLY this interface is available:
# Interface 9 = Linux. Can work via serial port (D),via AX25 domain
# socket (X) or via Telnet port (T).
#In DosFBB ONLY THESE interfaces are available:
# Interface : 1 = Use external COMBIOS-driver (MBBIOS, ESS etc)
# 2 = BPQ-node v 4.05 and up (BPQ in AA4RE-mode)
# 3 = Telephone-modem with FBBIOS
# 4 = DRSI card with driver
# 5 = TFPCR/TFPCX interface. Interrupt MUST be 0xFD or the same
# as stated in INIT.SRV, if any..
# Address : Address of port in hexadecimal (Needed for multiplexer).
# In LinFBB:
#Address is the device name (/dev/cua0).
# Be sure you have the rights to access to the device (rw-rw-rw-).
# When using kernel AF_AX25 socket, address is not used.
# When using Telnet, address is the Telnet port in Hex (Hex 17 = Telnet port 23)
# Baud : Ports baud rate. Ignored by BPQ, kernel AF_AX25 socket and Telnet.
# Use same number of lines as number of ports.
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
1 9 /dev/cua0 9600
# TNC : Number on TNC in use. Use 0 for file-forward !
# NbCh : Number of channels I want to use in the TNC.
# Maximum available channels depend on firmware.
# Com : Number of the COM-port. Com1, Com2 etc.
# MultCh : Number of channel if port-multiplexer is used, otherwise 1.
# In DRSI use values from 0 to 7, by KAM use 1/VHF and 2/HF.
# With BPQ first TNC must have MultCh 0, the next 1, etc.
# When using kernel AF_AX25 socket in Linux, MultCh is the
# interface name (eg: ax0)
# Paclen : PACLEN on this TNC.
# Maxframe: The maximum nb of frames the TNC will send at a time.
# NbFwd : Number of channels for OUTGOING forward at same time.
# MxBloc : Size of forward-block in kb.
# M/P-Fwd : Minute of the hour for start of forward, and period
# (how many minutes between each forward-start).
# Port mode, one of these:
# B : BBS-mode.
# G : "Guest"-mode.
# U : Normal-mode.
# Type host-mode, one of these:
# D : WA8DED
# K : KAM hostmode. Must use ESSKAM driver.
# P : PK-232
# Q : BPQ v 4.x
# T : Ethernet/TCP-IP
# X : AX25 domain socket (for Linux)
# Addition: One or more of these letters can be used too:
# L : Send unproto beacon after each arriving mail.
# M : Telephone-modem.
# Y : Yapp allowed on this QRG.
# W : Gateway allowed TO this QRG.
# R : Modem port allowed in Read-only mode.
# Freq. : Text to describe this port (max 9 characters, no space)
# Same number of lines as TNCs:
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq
1 4 1 1 230 4 1 10 30/60 UDYL 433.650
# Special callsigns and modes for some channels.
#TNC Nbs Callsign-SSID Mode
1 1 LA1B-1 B
# End of file.
Same example for DosFBB:
Standard PORT.SYS with 1 TNC (COM1) with WA8DED-hostmode,
ESS-driver, 4 channels, 1 channel for outgoing forward, 1 channel
reserved for BBSs with callsign LA1B-1 :
# FBB7.00
# File for programming of channels and TNCs.
# Ports : How many ports (COM1, COM2, Etc...)
# TNCs : How many TNCs and modems in use. With multiplexer
# there can be up to 4 TNCs per port.
#Ports TNCs
1 1
#In WinFBB ONLY THESE interfaces are available:
# Interface : 2 = BPQ-node (BPQ in AA4RE-mode)
# 4 = DRSI
# 5 = TFPCR/TFPCX interface. Interrupt MUST be 0xFD or the same
# as stated in INIT.SRV, if any..
# 6 = Windows-driver, replaces both ESS, ESSKAM and FBBIOS.
# 7 = TCP/IP. Needs WINSOCK.DLL. Put port-address as 17.
# TNC-emulation is T (see below)
# 8 = TFWin.dll (only WinFBB32)
# BEWARE: The old interface 1 and 3 will NOT be used in WinFBB. Interface 6
# replaces both. (FBBCOMM.DRV). Neither ESS nor FBBIOS can be
# used with WinFBB !
#In LinFBB ONLY this interface is available:
# Interface 9 = Linux. Can work via serial port (D),via AX25 domain
# socket (X) or via Telnet port (T).
#In DosFBB ONLY THESE interfaces are available:
# Interface : 1 = Use external COMBIOS-driver (MBBIOS, ESS etc)
# 2 = BPQ-node v 4.05 and up (BPQ in AA4RE-mode)
# 3 = Telephone-modem with FBBIOS
# 4 = DRSI card with driver
# 5 = TFPCR/TFPCX interface. Interrupt MUST be 0xFD or the same
# as stated in INIT.SRV, if any..
# Address : Address of port in hexadecimal (Needed for multiplexer).
# In LinFBB:
# Address is the device name (/dev/cua0).
# Be sure you have the rights to access to the device (rw-rw-rw-).
# When using kernel AF_AX25 socket, address is not used.
# When using Telnet, address is the Telnet port in Hex (Hex 17 = Telnet port 23)
# Baud : Ports baud rate. Ignored by BPQ, kernel AF_AX25 socket and Telnet.
# Use same number of lines as number of ports.
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
1 1 3F8 9600
# TNC : Number on TNC in use. Use 0 for file-forward !
# NbCh : Number of channels I want to use in the TNC.
# Maximum available channels depend on firmware.
# Com : Number of the COM-port. Com1, Com2 etc.
# MultCh : Number of channel if port-multiplexer is used, otherwise 1.
# In DRSI use values from 0 to 7, by KAM use 1/VHF and 2/HF.
# With BPQ first TNC must have MultCh 0, the next 1, etc.
# When using kernel AF_AX25 socket in Linux, MultCh is the
# interface name (eg: ax0)
# Paclen : PACLEN on this TNC.
# Maxframe: The maximum nb of frames the TNC will send at a time.
# NbFwd : Number of channels for OUTGOING forward at same time.
# MxBloc : Size of forward-block in kb.
# M/P-Fwd : Minute of the hour for start of forward, and period
# (how many minutes between each forward-start).
# Port mode, one of these:
# B : BBS-mode.
# G : "Guest"-mode.
# U : Normal-mode.
# Type host-mode, one of these:
# D : WA8DED
# K : KAM hostmode. Must use ESSKAM driver.
# P : PK-232
# Q : BPQ v 4.x
# T : Ethernet/TCP-IP
# X : AX25 domain socket (for Linux)
# Addition: One or more of these letters can be used too:
# L : Send unproto beacon after each arriving mail.
# M : Telephone-modem.
# Y : Yapp allowed on this QRG.
# W : Gateway allowed TO this QRG.
# R : Modem port allowed in Read-only mode.
# Freq. : Text to describe this port (max 9 characters, no space)
# Same number of lines as TNCs:
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq
1 4 1 1 230 4 1 10 30/60 UDYL 433.650
# Special callsigns and modes for some channels.
#TNC Nbs Callsign-SSID Mode
1 1 LA1B-1 B
# End of file.
Note that the differences in the three PORT.SYS files above (for WinFBB, LinFBB
and DosFBB) is ONLY the Interface and (for LinFBB:) the address !
In the next examples, all comment-lines are removed, for clarity.
One example for WinFBB:
Now an example of a file with 4 ports, 13 channels, FBBCOMM.DRV, with a
port-multiplexer on COM 1. Port 1 has limited access (guest-user), port 2 and
3 allows YAPP-transfer and port 4 uses a PK-232. Port 2 and 3 also allows
# FBB7.00
#Ports TNCs
1 4
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
1 6 3F8 9600
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq
1 4 1 1 230 4 0 1 00/60 GD 433.650
2 4 1 2 230 4 1 5 10/30 UDYL 144.675
3 4 1 3 230 3 4 10 20/60 UDYWL 433.650
4 1 1 4 80 1 1 5 15/30 BP 15/20m
#TNC Nbs Callsign-SSID Mode
#1 1 LA1B-1 B
# End of file.
Same example for LinFBB (Linux):
Now an example of a file with 4 ports, 13 channels, with a
port-multiplexer on COM 1. Port 1 has limited access (guest-user), port 2 and
3 allows YAPP-transfer. Port 2 and 3 also allows unproto-beacon-lists.
This example is really no good for LinFBB, as port 4 uses a PK-232 which is
not supported by LinFBB (yet ?). But if it ever will be, it will probably
look something like this:
# FBB7.00
#Ports TNCs
1 4
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
1 9 /dev/cua0 9600
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq
1 4 1 1 230 4 0 1 00/60 GD 433.650
2 4 1 2 230 4 1 5 10/30 UDYL 144.675
3 4 1 3 230 3 4 10 20/60 UDYWL 433.650
4 1 1 4 80 1 1 5 15/30 BP 15/20m
#TNC Nbs Callsign-SSID Mode
#1 1 LA1B-1 B
# End of file.
Same example for DosFBB:
Now an example of a file with 4 ports, 13 channels, ESS-driver, with a
port-multiplexer on COM 1. Port 1 has limited access (guest-user), port 2 and
3 allows YAPP-transfer and port 4 uses a PK-232. Port 2 and 3 also allows
# FBB7.00
#Ports TNCs
1 4
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
1 1 3F8 9600
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq
1 4 1 1 230 4 0 1 00/60 GD 433.650
2 4 1 2 230 4 1 5 10/30 UDYL 144.675
3 4 1 3 230 3 4 10 20/60 UDYWL 433.650
4 1 1 4 80 1 1 5 15/30 BP 15/20m
#TNC Nbs Callsign-SSID Mode
#1 1 LA1B-1 B
# End of file.
Note that the difference in the 3 PORT.SYS files above (for WinFBB, CFBB
and DosFBB) is ONLY the Interface and /for LinFBB:) the address !
Next an example of a file with 4 ports, 13 channels.
This one is for DosFBB, but it is identical for WinFBB, with the exception
of interface, which must be changed to 6 for WinFBB.
# FBB7.00
#Ports TNCs
4 4
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
1 1 3f8 9600
2 1 2f8 9600
3 1 3e8 9600
4 1 2e8 9600
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq
1 4 1 1 230 4 0 1 00/60 GD 433.650
2 4 2 1 230 4 1 5 10/30 UDY 144.675
3 4 3 1 230 3 4 10 20/60 UDYW 433.650
4 1 4 1 80 1 1 5 15/30 BP 15/20m
#TNC Nbs Callsign-SSID Mode
#1 1 LA1B-1 B
# End of file.
Same example for LinFBB (Linux):
# FBB7.00
#Ports TNCs
4 4
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
1 9 /dev/cua0 9600
2 9 /dev/cua1 9600
3 9 /dev/cua2 9600
4 9 /dev/cua3 9600
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq
1 4 1 1 230 4 0 1 00/60 GD 433.650
2 4 2 1 230 4 1 5 10/30 UDY 144.675
3 4 3 1 230 3 4 10 20/60 UDYW 433.650
4 1 4 1 80 1 1 5 15/30 BP 15/20m
#TNC Nbs Callsign-SSID Mode
#1 1 LA1B-1 B
# End of file.
2.1 For BPQ:>
Now an example of a file with 2 ports with BPQ-node and 4 channels on
each port. Note that MultCh starts with 0 on first port !
This one is 100% identical for DosFBB and WinFBB !
This one is not possible for LinFBB as BPQ cannot be run in Linux.
BPQ must be correctly installed for DOS or WINDOWS (respectively) before
it can be used with FBB.
# FBB7.00
#Ports TNCs
1 2
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
8 2 0 9600
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq
1 4 8 0 230 4 1 1 00/60 UQY 433.650
2 4 8 1 230 4 1 5 10/60 UQY 144.675
#TNC Nbs Callsign-SSID Mode
#1 1 LA1B-1 B
# End of file.
Note that I use COM8. This is because this is a "virtual" port, and if I use
for example COM2, I will not be able to use COM2 for other purposes.
2.2 For DRSI:
Next an example of a file with 1 DRSI-card and 8 channels, max 1 channel on
HF. As for BPQ, this one is 100% identical for DosFBB and WinFBB !
# FBB7.00
#Ports TNCs
1 2
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
8 4 0 9600
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq
1 8 8 0 230 4 1 10 00/60 UDY 433.650
2 1 8 1 80 2 1 10 30/60 GDW HF
#TNC Nbs Callsign-SSID Mode
#1 1 LA1B-1 B
# End of file.
Same example for LinFBB (Linux):
A file with 1 DRSI-card and 8 channels, max 1 channel on HF.
This example needs z8530drv by DL1BKE properly installed!
# FBB7.00
#Ports TNCs
1 2
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
8 9 **** 9600
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq
1 8 8 scc0 230 4 1 10 00/60 XUY 433.650
2 1 8 scc1 80 2 1 10 30/60 XGW HF
#TNC Nbs Callsign-SSID Mode
#1 1 LA1B-1 B
# End of file.
Last, SM6TKY's own (big) setup for Linux :
Standard kernel AF_AX25 socket, 7 interfaces, 42 channels, 1 interface for
file forward, 1 interface to a KISS TNC (ax0), 2 interfaces to a PA0HZP
compatible SCC card (scc0 scc1), 1 interface to Pseudo-TTY loopback
for LinuxNode (ax2), 1 interface for EtherBPQ (bpq0), and 1 interface to
NET/ROM in kernel (nr1).
# FBB7.00
# File for programming of channels and TNCs.
# Ports : How many ports (COM1, COM2, Etc...)
# TNCs : How many TNCs and modems in use. With multiplexer
# there can be up to 4 TNCs per port.
#Ports TNCs
1 6
#In WinFBB ONLY THESE interfaces are available:
# Interface : 2 = BPQ-node (BPQ in AA4RE-mode)
# 4 = DRSI
# 5 = TFPCR/TFPCX interface. Interrupt MUST be 0xFD or the same
# as stated in INIT.SRV, if any..
# 6 = Windows-driver, replaces both ESS, ESSKAM and FBBIOS.
# 7 = TCP/IP. Needs WINSOCK.DLL. Put port-address as 17.
# TNC-emulation is T (see below)
# 8 = TFWin.dll (only WinFBB32)
# BEWARE: The old interface 1 and 3 will NOT be used in WinFBB. Interface 6
# replaces both. (FBBCOMM.DRV). Neither ESS nor FBBIOS can be
# used with WinFBB !
#In LinFBB ONLY this interface is available:
# Interface 9 = Linux. Can work via serial port (D),via AX25 domain
# socket (X) or via Telnet port (T).
#In DosFBB ONLY THESE interfaces are available:
# Interface : 1 = Use external COMBIOS-driver (MBBIOS, ESS etc)
# 2 = BPQ-node v 4.05 and up (BPQ in AA4RE-mode)
# 3 = Telephone-modem with FBBIOS
# 4 = DRSI card with driver
# 5 = TFPCR/TFPCX interface. Interrupt MUST be 0xFD or the same
# as stated in INIT.SRV, if any..
# Address : Address of port in hexadecimal (Needed for multiplexer).
# In LinFBB:
# Address is the device name (/dev/cua0).
# Be sure you have the rights to access to the device (rw-rw-rw-).
# When using kernel AF_AX25 socket, address is not used.
# When using Telnet, address is the Telnet port in Hex (Hex 17 = Telnet port 23)
# Baud : Ports baud rate. Ignored by BPQ, kernel AF_AX25 socket and Telnet.
# Use same number of lines as number of ports.
#Com Interface Address (device) Baud
1 9 **** 9600
# TNC : Number on TNC in use. Use 0 for file-forward !
# NbCh : Number of channels I want to use in the TNC.
# Maximum available channels depend on firmware.
# Com : Number of the COM-port. Com1, Com2 etc.
# MultCh : Number of channel if port-multiplexer is used, otherwise 1.
# In DRSI use values from 0 to 7, by KAM use 1/VHF and 2/HF.
# With BPQ first TNC must have MultCh 0, the next 1, etc.
# When using kernel AF_AX25 socket in Linux, MultCh is the
# interface name (eg: ax0)
# Paclen : PACLEN on this TNC.
# Maxframe: The maximum nb of frames the TNC will send at a time.
# NbFwd : Number of channels for OUTGOING forward at same time.
# MxBloc : Size of forward-block in kb.
# M/P-Fwd : Minute of the hour for start of forward, and period
# (how many minutes between each forward-start).
# Port mode, one of these:
# B : BBS-mode.
# G : "Guest"-mode.
# U : Normal-mode.
# Type host-mode, one of these:
# D : WA8DED
# K : KAM hostmode. Must use ESSKAM driver.
# P : PK-232
# Q : BPQ v 4.x
# T : Ethernet/TCP-IP
# X : AX25 domain socket (for Linux)
# Addition: One or more of these letters can be used too:
# L : Send unproto beacon after each arriving mail.
# M : Telephone-modem.
# Y : Yapp allowed on this QRG.
# W : Gateway allowed TO this QRG.
# R : Modem port allowed in Read-only mode.
# Freq. : Text to describe this port (max 9 characters, no space)
# Same number of lines as TNCs:
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00/01 ---- File-fwd.
1 8 1 ax0 250 7 2 10 30/01 XUWYL ax0
2 8 1 scc0 250 7 2 10 30/01 XUWYL scc0
3 8 1 scc1 250 7 2 10 30/01 XUWYL scc1
4 8 1 ax2 250 7 2 10 30/01 XUY Loopback
5 8 1 bpq0 250 7 2 10 30/01 XUWYL bpqether
6 2 1 nr1 250 7 2 10 30/01 XUY netrom
# Special callsigns and modes for some channels.
#TNC Nbs Callsign-SSID Mode
1 2 XXXXX-1 B
# End of file.