;*\ ;Packet/Switch netwerk Kortgene. ;*/ LOCATOR=JO11VN MAPCOMMENT=PI1LAP-7 Network Node, Kortgene JO11VN PASSWORD=***** NODECALL=PI1LAP-7 ; Node callsign NODEALIAS=NDRLND ; Node alias (6 characters max) IDMSG: PI1LAP-7 - PI8LAP - JO11VN *** BTEXT: ; UI broadcast text from BCALL to destination UNPROTO= PI1LAP-7 - PI8LAP((Lin)BPQ) Ax25 - Net/rom - BBS - JO11VN *** INFOMSG: ; The INFO command text follows: PI1LAP-7:PI8LAP LinBPQ Packet/Switch Node Computer : Raspberry PI 3B Software : Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 / Linbpq 6.0.24.* Rx/Tx : Icom 7300 / Yaesu FT7900 Modem : Scs PTC11pro / Qtsoundmodem 300 Baud / Ardopc / Vara / il2p Antenne : HyendFed 20m / X-510n *** CTEXT: ; The CTEXT text follows: Connected to PI1LAP-7, PI1LAP-7 > BBS,RMS,C,B,I,N,R,P,U,V,S,MH *** ; Denotes end of CTEXT text MQTT=1 MQTT_HOST= MQTT_PORT=1883 MQTT_USER=pd9q MQTT_PASS=******** HFCTEXT=HF node PI1LAP-7 EnableM0LTEMap=1 FULL_CTEXT=1 ; 0=send CTEXT to L2 connects to NODEALIAS only ; 1=send CTEXT to all connectees OBSINIT=6 ; Initial obsolescence set when a node is included ; in a received nodes broadcast. This value is then ; decremented by 1 every NODESINTERVAL. OBSMIN=4 ; When the obsolescence of a node falls below this ; value that nodes information is not included in ; a subsequent nodes broadcast. NODESINTERVAL=25 ; Nodes broadcast interval in minutes IDINTERVAL=10 ; IDMSG UI broadcast interval in minutes, 0=OFF BTINTERVAL=15 ; The BTEXT broadcast interval in minutes, 0=OFF L3TIMETOLIVE=25 ; Max L3 hops L4RETRIES=5 ; Level 4 retry count L4TIMEOUT=60 ; Level 4 timeout in seconds s/b > FRACK x RETRIES L4DELAY=10 ; Level 4 delayed ack timer in seconds L4WINDOW=4 ; Level 4 window size MAXLINKS=15 ; Max level 2 links MAXNODES=512 ; Max nodes in nodes table MAXROUTES=60 ; Max adjacent nodes MAXCIRCUITS=256 ; Max L4 circuits MINQUAL=161 ; Minimum quality to add to nodes table ; INP3 Routing is experimental. The two parms which follow will be ignored ; unless activated in the ROUTES: section. MAXHOPS=6 ; INP3 hop limit to add to tables MAXRTT=90 ; INP3 max RTT in seconds BUFFERS=999 ; Packet buffers - 999 means allocate as many as SAVEMH=1 ; TNC default parameters: PACLEN=128 ; Max packet size (236 max for net/rom) ; Level 2 Parameters: ; T1 (FRACK), T2 (RESPTIME) and N2 (RETRIES) are now in the PORTS section ;T3=120 ; Link validation timer in seconds T3=900 ; will poll other nodes every 900 seconds, or 15 min. IDLETIME=10000 ; Idle link shutdown timer in seconds ; Configuration Options: AUTOSAVE=0 ; Saves BPQNODES.dat upon program exit BBS=1 ; 1 = BBS support included, 0 = No BBS support NODE=1 ; Include switch support HIDENODES=0 ; If set to 1, nodes beginning with a # ; require a 'N *' command to be displayed. ; The *** LINKED command is intended for use by gateway software, and concern ; has been expressed that it could be misused. It is recommended that it be ; disabled (=N) if unneeded. ENABLE_LINKED=A ; Controls processing of *** LINKED command ; Y = allows unrestricted use ; A = allows use by application program ; N = disabled ; Port Definitions: TNCPORT COMPORT=/home/pi/fbbded TYPE=DED STREAMS=1 APPLMASK=4 ENDPORT ; automatically switches bands and updates frequency every 5 seconds RADIO 1 ;Under Connectors then Data Mod set to acc /dev/ttyICOM 19200 ICOM IC7300 94 PTT_SETS_INPUT AUX HAMLIB=4532 00:00 5,14.102300,USB,F1,D,P123 06:00 5,7.049450,USB,F1,D,P123 19:00 5,14.102300,USB,F1,D,P123 **** PORT PORTNUM=1 ID=AFSK300 HF IL2P +850Hz INTERLOCK=1 DRIVER=UZ7HO CHANNEL=A PACLEN=100 CONFIG ADDR 8101 BEACONAFTERSESSION UPDATEMAP MAXSESSIONS=1 RADIO=1 ;WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,api.winlink.org,80,PI8LAP,JO11VN,00-23,7049450,VARA500,50,35,3 ;WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,api.winlink.org,80,PI8LAP,JO11VN,00-23,7049450,ARDOP500,50,35,3 ;WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,api.winlink.org,80,PI8LAP,JO11VN,00-23,7049450,PKT300,50,35,3 ;WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,api.winlink.org,80,PI8LAP,JO11VN,00-23,144850000,PKT1200,10,20,5,0 ;WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,api.winlink.org,80,PI8LAP,JO11VN,00-23,7054000,P123,50,35,3 ;WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,api.winlink.org,80,PI8LAP-10,JO11VN,00-23,7049500,ROBUST,50,35,3 ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=2 ID=AFSK300 HF +1000Hz INTERLOCK=1 DRIVER=UZ7HO CHANNEL=B PACLEN=100 CONFIG ADDR 8101 BEACONAFTERSESSION UPDATEMAP MAXSESSIONS=1 RADIO=1 ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=3 INTERLOCK=1 HIDE=0 ID=ARDOP500 DRIVER=ARDOP CONFIG ADDR 8515 PTT CAT ARQBW 500MAX LEADER 200 ENABLEPINGACK BUSYDET 5 CONSOLELOG 3 LOGLEVEL 3 CWID TRUE MONITOR TRUE GRIDSQUARE JO11VN RADIO=1 **** ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=4 INTERLOCK=1 HIDE=0 ID=VARA500 DRIVER=VARA CONFIG ADDR 8300 PTT CAT RADIO=1 BW500 MYCALLS PI1LAP-7 PI8LAP PI1LAP-4 PI8LAP-10 SESSIONTIMELIMIT 15 P2P SESSION BUSYWAIT 30 **** ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=5 HIDE=0 ID=BPSK300 IL2P +2150Hz DRIVER=UZ7HO CHANNEL=C PACLEN=100 CONFIG ADDR 8101 MAXSESSIONS=2 BEACONAFTERSESSION UPDATEMAP RADIO=1 ENDPORT PORT ID=Pactor SCS COMPORT=/dev/ttySCS ; COM Port Address SPEED=19200 ; COM Port Speed DRIVER=SCSPactor PORTCALL=PI8LAP INTERLOCK=1 CONFIG ; Driver-Specific Configuration RADIO=1 ;USERAPPLCALLSFORPACTOR **** MAXLEVEL=3 PSKA 250 FSKA 250 MARK 1600 SPACE 1400 AQ 1 STATUS 2 BUSYHOLD 1 ; This defines the time the software waits after the Controller has reported the channel free before considering it free. BUSYWAIT 20 ; This changes the time the software will wait for a clear channel before failing a connect request. DEBUGLOG 1 ; To activate the SCSLog_xxx_xx.txt files in the logs directory ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=7 ; Optional but sets port number if stated ID=AX/IP/UDP ; Displayed by PORTS command DRIVER=BPQAXIP ; Uses BPQAXIP capability of bpq32.dll QUALITY=203 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on ; this port, unless overridden by a locked route ; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts MINQUAL=161 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or ; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value ; of 0 sends everything. MAXFRAME=7 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7) FRACK=3000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds RETRIES=15 ; Level 2 maximum retry value PACLEN=236 ; Max = 236 CONFIG ; BPQAXIP.cfg has been deprecated. Instead the AXIP ; configuration occurs here: MHEARD ON ; Opens AXIP MHEARD window ;UDP 93 ; Listens for UDP packets on this UDP port number UDP 10093 ;AUTOADDMAP ; This option automatically adds the node call and ; address of a node for which you do not have a ; pre-arranged fixed entry in bpqaxip.cfg. If the ; option DONTCHECKSOURCECALL is specified then the ; AUTOADDMAP option is ignored. BROADCAST NODES MAP OK2PEN-5 44.63.16.*** B MAP K5DAT-7 TCP-Slave 10200 B MAP PI1ZTM 44.137.2.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10093 B MAP GB7BED-5 gb7bed.****.** UDP 10093 B MAP VE2PKT-2 44.135.49.*** B MAP PE1NNZ 44.137.24.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10193 B MAP OL7M SEEVER.****.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10094 B MAP IW2OHX-15 44.134.175.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10093 B MAP PD0LPM-9 213.10.245.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10093 B MAP PA8F-2 44.137.1.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10093 B MAP PD9Q 44.137.31.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10093 B MAP F8COD-2 80.119.24.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10093 B ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=8 ; Optional but sets port number if stated ID=Telnet DRIVER=Telnet CONFIG LOGGING=1 DisconnectOnClose=1 CMS=1 CMSCALL=PI8LAP CMSPASS=******* CMDPORT=7300 7301 6001 6002 CMSLOGGING=1 FALLBACKTORELAY=1 ; RELAYHOST= RELAYAPPL=BBS TCPPORT=6370 FBBPORT=6380 HTTPPORT=8081 ; SNMPPORT=161 SECURETELNET=1 LOGINPROMPT=User: PASSWORDPROMPT=Password: MAXSESSIONS=10 CTEXT=Welcome to PI1LAP Telnet Server.\nPress ? For list of commands \n\n USER=pd9q,******,pd9q,,SYSOP USER=pi8lap,******,pi8lap,,SYSOP ENDPORT ;PORT ; PORTNUM=9 ; ID=AFSK 300Baud QO-100 RX-only ; DRIVER=UZ7HO ; CHANNEL=A ; CONFIG ; ADDR 8101 ; UPDATEMAP ; MAXSESSIONS=1 ;ENDPORT ;PORT ; PORTNUM=10 ; ID=BPSK 1200Baud QO-100 RX-only ; DRIVER=UZ7HO ; CHANNEL=B ; CONFIG ; ADDR 8101 ; UPDATEMAP ; MAXSESSIONS=1 ;ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=9 ; Optional but sets port number if stated ID=144.850Mhz FM 1k2 ; Displayed by PORTS command TYPE=ASYNC ; Port is RS232 Com PROTOCOL=KISS ; TNC is used in KISS, JKISS or BPQKISS mode FULLDUP=0 ; Only meaningful for KISS, JKISS or BPQKISS devices IPADDR= TCPPORT=8001 ; 1 = SERIAL PORT COM1 ETC. CHANNEL=A ; A for single channel TNC, A or B for multichannel PERSIST=160 ; PERSIST=256/(# of transmitters-1) SLOTTIME=180 ; CMSA interval timer in milliseconds TXDELAY=270 ; Transmit keyup delay in milliseconds TXTAIL=23 ; TX key down, in milliseconds, at packet end QUALITY=203 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on ; this port, unless overridden by a locked route ; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts MINQUAL=201 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or ; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value ; of 0 sends everything. MAXFRAME=7 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7) FRACK=5000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds RETRIES=25 ; Level 2 maximum retry value PACLEN=128 ; Default max packet length for this port UNPROTO=APBPQ1,WIDE1-1 ; BTEXT broadcast addrs format: DEST[,digi1[,digi2]] BCALL=PI1LAP-7 ; BTEXT call. unstated defaults to APPL1CALL L3ONLY=0 ; 1=No user downlink connects on this port DIGIFLAG=1 ; Digipeat: 0=OFF, 1=ALL, 255=UI Only DIGIPORT=0 ; Port on which to send digid frames (0 = same port) USERS=0 ; Maximum number of L2 sessions, 0 = no limit ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=10 ; Optional but sets port number if stated ID=144.800Mhz FM Aprs ; Displayed by PORTS command TYPE=ASYNC ; Port is RS232 Com PROTOCOL=KISS ; TNC is used in KISS, JKISS or BPQKISS mode IPADDR= TCPPORT=8001 CHANNEL=B ; A for single channel TNC, A or B for multichannel NOKEEPALIVES=1 PERSIST=160 ; PERSIST=256/(# of transmitters-1) SLOTTIME=180 ; CMSA interval timer in milliseconds TXDELAY=270 ; Transmit keyup delay in milliseconds TXTAIL=23 ; TX key down, in milliseconds, at packet end QUALITY=0 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on ; this port, unless overridden by a locked route ; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts MINQUAL=201 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or ; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value ; of 0 sends everything. MAXFRAME=7 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7) FRACK=5000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds RETRIES=25 ; Level 2 maximum retry value PACLEN=128 ; Default max packet length for this port UNPROTO=APBPQ1,WIDE1-1 ; BTEXT broadcast addrs format: DEST[,digi1[,digi2]] BCALL=PI1LAP-7 ; BTEXT call. unstated defaults to APPL1CALL L3ONLY=1 ; 1=No user downlink connects on this port DIGIFLAG=1 ; Digipeat: 0=OFF, 1=ALL, 255=UI Only DIGIPORT=0 ; Port on which to send digid frames (0 = same port) USERS=0 ; Maximum number of L2 sessions, 0 = no limit ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=11 ID=Robust 600Baud ;(RPR and HF Packet) TYPE=EXTERNAL COMPORT=/dev/ttyTRK SPEED=38400 DRIVER=SCSTracker INTERLOCK=1 CONFIG **** M UISC O 4 ; MAXFRAME F 190 ; FRACK T 8 ; TX Delay FORCE ROBUST DEFAULT ROBUST ; Default mode is RP USEAPPLCALLS ; Accept connects to all APPLCALLS BEACONAFTERSESSION ; Beacon after session %L 1500 ; Centre Freq for Normal Packet (Default is 1500) @I 64 ; Paclen = 60 %T 1 ; TX Autotracking 1 = on %N 10 %B R600 ENDPORT ROUTES: ; Locked routes (31 maximum) ; CALLSIGN,QUALITY,PORT[,MAXFRAME,FRACK,PACLEN,INP3Enable] ; PD9Q-15,203,7,0,0,0,0 *** ; Denotes end of locked routes ;IPGATEWAY ; Adapter eth0 ; IPADDR ; IPNETMASK ; ;ENABLESNMP ;**** APRSDIGI DISTKM=1 APRSCall=PI1LAP-8 StatusMsg=PI1LAP-8 ARPS DIGI JO11VN ZLD Symbol=n ; Icon to display for station. Symset=/ ; This is a "B" in a Red Diamond. ; ; Specify a Dest Addreess and Path for each port you want to use for APRS. No dest means receive only port ; Ports without an APRSPath statement will not be used by the Digi ; ; Note if you specify APRS as the destination call it will be replaced by the current BPQ32 APRS ; identification destination - APBPQ1. If you really want to send APRS, specify APRS-0. ; APRSPath 1=APRS,WIDE1-1 ; Dest and up to 8 digis ; APRSPath 3=APRS,WIDE1-1 APRSPath 10=APRS,WIDE1-1 ; APRSPath 9=APRS,WIDE1-1 BeaconInterval=25 ; Send Beacon every 30 minute. Minimum is 5 mins MAXAGE=120 ; Define Crossport Digi. For each port, a list of ports to send a packet to (IS means send to APRS-IS) ; If a Digimap isnt specified for a port, digi out on the port the packet arrived on, ; and send to APRS-IS (if enabled) ; If you want to digi on same port, but not send to APRS-IS, Specify Digimap n=n ; If you dont want to digi on a port, specify Digimap n= ; ; If you only have one APRS port, you probably dont need a Digimap statement ; Digimap 1=1,IS ; Packets from 1 to 9, but not APRS-IS ; Digimap 3=3,IS Digimap 10=10,IS ; Digimap 9=9,IS ; Define Digipeating parameters TraceCalls=WIDE,TRACE ; Calls for CALLN-n Processing with Trace FloodCalls=NLD ; Calls for CALLN-n Processing without Trace DigiCalls=PI1LAP-8 ; Calls for Normal (ie no SSID manipulation) Digi ; For a Local "Fillin" Digi, you could include WIDE1-1 and leave out TraceCalls and FloodCalls ;ReplaceDigiCalls ; Replace DigiCalls with APRSCall. Omit if you want the call to be left as it is received. MaxTraceHops=2 ; Max value of n in CALLN-n processing. If a packet is received with n greater than MaxFloodHops=2 ; this, the value will be replaced BEFORE it is decremented. ; Specify position. You can specify a fixed LAT/LONG, or use GPS LAT=5133.52N ; Must be in standard APRS Format (ddmm.mmN/S) LON=00348.15E ; Must be in standard APRS Format (dddmm.mmE/W) GPSPort=/dev/ttyUSB0 ; if specified, lat/lon will be taken from a GPS, GPSSpeed=9600 ; overriding the values set above. ; The Digi can generate Object and Item reports. ; The format is pretty strict - a single space between param=value pairs, ; a comma but no spaces in PATH and PORT string. ; Minimum interval is 10 mins. You can have as many OBJECT lines as you need. ; See thr APRS specification for information on how to format an Object or Item string. ; OBJECT PATH=APRS,WIDE1-1 PORT=1 INTERVAL=10 TEXT=;PD9Q*111111z5133.52N/00348.15EIPD9Q-10 Linbpq APRS Station ; OBJECT PATH=APRS,WIDE1-1 PORT=3 INTERVAL=14 TEXT=;PI1LAP-8*111111z5133.52N/00348.15EIPI1LAP-8 ((Lin)bpq) APRS Station NLD OBJECT PATH=APRS,WIDE1-1 PORT=10 INTERVAL=16 TEXT=;PI1LAP-8*111111z5133.52N/00348.15EIPI1LAP-8 ((lin)BPQ) APRS Station NLD ; OBJECT PATH=APRS,WIDE1-1 PORT=2 INTERVAL=17 TEXT=;PI1LAP-10*111111z5133.52N/00348.15EIPI1LAP-10 ((Lin)BPQ) APRS Station ; IGATE Params. If specified you will gate RF packets and your beacons to APRS-IS ISHost=euro.aprs2.net ISPort=14580 ; Normal port for a filtered feed ISPasscode=**** ; If you dont already have a passcode I can issue you one ; ; You can specify a filter command to be sent when you log on to APRS-IS. Normally you dont ; need one. The APRS Mapping Application (BPQAPRS) sets a filter when it starts, ; and if you arent running an APRS application, there isnt much point in getting info from APRS-IS ; ;ISFilter=m/500 ; Filter Command if needed ; WXCall=PI1LAP-8 ; WXFileName=/home/pi/linbpq/current.txt ; WXComment=/PI1LAP-8 Weather Station JO11VN ; WXPortList=6,9,IS ; comma separated list - include IS to send to APRS-IS ; WXInterval=18 ; mins ; **** LINMAIL LINCHAT APPLICATION 1,BBS,,PI8LAP,LAPBBS,255 APPLICATION 2,CHAT,,PI1LAP-4,LAPCHT,255 APPLICATION 3,DXC,C 8 HOST 0 S,PI1LAP-2,LAPDXC,255 APPLICATION 4,RMS,C 8 CMS,PI8LAP-10,LAPRMS,255 ;APPLICATION 5,RMS,C 11 ON0SEA-10,PI8LAP-10,LAPRMS,255 APPLICATION 6,SYSINFO,C 8 HOST 1 S