Brain N1URO has written a script to see if fbb is still running.
I saved this script in the fbb directory.
Have it saved as “fbbcheck” now it is possible to call it via a cronjob every hour.
Edit the /etc/crontab file and add the following.
15 * * * * root /usr/local/etc/ax25/fbb/fbbcheck
Now, every 15 minutes after the full hour, it is checked whether fbb is still running, otherwise it will be restarted.
Here under the “fbbcheck” script.
#! /bin/sh . /lib/lsb/init-functions MYFBB=`ps ax|grep fbb|grep xfbbd|grep sbin|awk '{ print $1 }'` PID=`ps ax|grep fbb|grep xfbbd|grep sbin|awk '{ print $1 }'` if [ -z $MYFBB ] then log_warning_msg "FBB BBS not found running" sleep 2 log_action_msg "Reloading FBB... " sleep 2 /usr/local/sbin/fbb -s -a log_daemon_msg "FBB Reloaded" "done" log_end_msg 0 exit 1 fi log_action_msg "FBB PBBS is running on pid: $PID" exit 0
Tnx to Brain N1URO
I made a small addition to the script myself. Now I can also see how long fbb has been running and when fbb has been started. (just fun )
#! /bin/sh . /lib/lsb/init-functions MYFBB=`ps ax|grep fbb|grep xfbbd|grep sbin|awk '{ print $1 }'` PID=`ps ax|grep fbb|grep xfbbd|grep sbin|awk '{ print $1 }'` UPTIME=`ps -p $PID -o %t | tail -1|awk '{ print $1 }'` START=`ps -p $PID -o lstart=` if [ -z $MYFBB ] then log_warning_msg "FBB BBS not found running" sleep 2 log_action_msg "Reloading FBB... " sleep 2 /usr/local/sbin/fbb -s -a log_daemon_msg "FBB Reloaded" "done" log_end_msg 0 exit 1 fi log_action_msg "FBB BBS PI8LAP is running on pid : $PID" log_action_msg "FBB BBS PI8LAP is Started on : $START" log_action_msg "FBB BBS PI8LAP is running for : $UPTIME dd:hh:mm:ss" exit 0
Looks like this.
root@pi1lap-base:/usr/local/etc/ax25/fbb# ./fbbcheck [info] FBB BBS PI8LAP is running on pid : 2573. [info] FBB BBS PI8LAP is Started on : Sat Sep 2 06:23:02 2017. [info] FBB BBS PI8LAP is running for : 01:10:44 dd:hh:mm:ss. root@pi1lap-base:/usr/local/etc/ax25/fbb#