Recent version is up2bpq-stable
I have called the update script Up2bpq-stable.. Why, it`s using the stable version of BPQ32.
Some of the changelog
# 01-12-2019
# Add setcap to the linbpq.start file.
# After update change the linbpq.start file “setcap command and start line”.
# Add -q option to wget to suspres the output.
# Add hosttype check to download the right linbpq or pilinbpq.
# Make it possible to run the script from everywhere in het system (source ~/.bashrc).
# Add the bin directory in home dir ~/bin.
# Shorten the directory paths, adding ~/ in front of it.
# The script is using the Stable release.
You can run the script via a crontab.
crontab -e
To run /home/pd9q/up2bpq-stable five minutes after midnight, every day, enter:
5 0 * * * /home/pd9q/bin/up2bpq-stable
#!/bin/bash # Up2bpq Version v2.0.2 12-01-2019 by Niels PD9Q # Fist Version V1 greated on 10-02-2019 # Check version numbers of Pilinbpq and Linbpq against version numbers on the local machine. # Hold the timestamp. Add version number and timestamp to the file and copy to archive. # Copy the new version to the Linbpq directory and rerun Linbpq with the new version. # # 01-12-2019 # Add setcap to the linbpq.start file. # After update change the linbpq.start file "setcap command and start line". # Add -q option to wget to suspres the output. # Add hosttype check to download the right linbpq or pilinbpq. # Make it possible to run the script from everywhere in het system (source ~/.bashrc). # Add the bin directory in home dir ~/bin. # Shorten the directory paths, adding ~/ in front of it. # The script is using the Stable release. # # 10-11-2019 # Add first check, to do something about the errors. # Add email option, now you get the version number en changelog mailed to you. # Try to meet the posix standards. # # Meet the standard of posix set -o posix # Enable debugging set -xv # # # Global variables. # Please change the variables to your own needs. user=$USER # This is the user who ownes/runs Linbpq mail=pd9q-(@) # Set your e-mail adres home=~/linbpq # This is the main directory of linbpq (home/USER/linbpq) work=~/linbpq/up2bpq # This is the working directory for up2bpq changelog=~/linbpq/up2bpq/changelog # This is the changelog directory archive=~/linbpq/up2bpq/archive # This is the archive directory to save older versions of pilinbpq/linbpq logfile=~/linbpq/up2bpq/log-up2bpq.txt # Logfile (not in use yet) # # Start of the main script # Check if required directory exist if [ ! -d "$home" ]; then mkdir -p -v "$home" fi # if [ ! -d "$work" ]; then mkdir -p -v "$work" fi # if [ ! -d "$archive" ]; then mkdir -p -v "$archive" fi # if [ ! -d "$changelog" ]; then mkdir -p -v "$changelog" fi if [ ! -d ~/bin ]; then mkdir -p -v ~/bin fi # # Copy the script to the bin directory if [ ! -f ~/bin/up2bpq-stable ]; then cp -p up2bpq-stable ~/bin fi # Export PATH and source bashrc # Log out and login again and you can run the script from everywhere in the system export PATH=~/bin:$PATH chmod a+x ~/.bashrc PS1='$ ' source ~/.bashrc # # Check hosttype if [[ $HOSTTYPE == *86* ]]; then export LINBPQ=linbpq; else export LINBPQ=pilinbpq; fi # # Fist check if linbpq exist if [ ! -f "$home"/linbpq_* ]; then nowdat=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d") wget -q -N$LINBPQ -O "$home"/linbpq chmod +x "$home"/linbpq oldlin=$("$home"/linbpq -V | grep Version | cut -d' ' -f7) cp -p "$home"/linbpq "$home"/linbpq_"$oldlin"_"$nowdat" ; rm -f "$home"/linbpq echo "# Pilinbpq Start File v1.1" > "$home"/linbpq.start echo 'sudo setcap "CAP_NET_ADMIN=ep CAP_NET_RAW=ep CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=ep"' linbpq_"$oldlin"_"$nowdat" >> "$home"/linbpq.start echo "cd "$home"" >> "$home"/linbpq.start echo "sudo -u $user ./linbpq_"$oldlin"_"$nowdat"" >> "$home"/linbpq.start chmod +x "$home"/linbpq.start fi # Find the recent version number (linbpq_6.0.19.1_2019-10-5?) find=$(ls "$home"/linbpq_*) # Getting the files from BPQ32 the stable release wget -q -N$LINBPQ -O "$work"/linbpq if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Download FAILED...Try again later" exit 1 fi # Chmod the file chmod +x "$work"/linbpq # Compare the version numbers oldvertxt=$($find -V | grep Version | cut -d' ' -f7) newvertxt=$("$work"/linbpq -V | grep Version | cut -d' ' -f7) # Convert to numbers for comparision # oldver=$(echo "$oldvertxt" | sed s'/[.]//g') newver=$(echo "$newvertxt" | sed s'/[.]//g') if [ "$newver" -le "$oldver" ]; then echo Version "$oldvertxt" is current. No update available echo Nothing to do, so sit down and relax rm -f "$work"/linbpq exit 0 &>/dev/null else echo Version "$newvertxt" available. Upgrading now now=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d") cp -p "$work"/linbpq "$home"/linbpq_"$newvertxt"_"$now" cp -p "$work"/linbpq "$archive"/linbpq_"$newvertxt"_"$now" sed -i "s,linbpq_.*$,linbpq_"$newvertxt"_"$now"," "$home"/linbpq.start # Email the new version number and the changlog wget -q -P "$changelog" &>/dev/null sed -e '1,20d' -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' "$changelog"/NodeChangeLog.html > "$changelog"/changelog.txt sed -e "3s/Version/Version-new/" -n -e '/Version-new/,/Version/ p' "$changelog"/changelog.txt | mail -s "Changelog of BPQ32" "$mail" echo "Linbpq is replaced by "$newvertxt" old version was "$oldvertxt"" | mail -s "Update BPQ32 new version" "$mail" rm -f "$changelog"/NodeChangeLog.* ; rm -f "$changelog"/changelog.txt # No reason to exist any more. rm -f "$home"/linbpq_"$oldvertxt"_* rm -f "$work"/linbpq sleep 5 # Change to your own needs #sudo systemctl restart linbpq #sudo reboot #sudo shutdown -r now fi exit 0