/* This begins a multi-line comment


Includes 1 AX/IP/UDP, 1 Telnet Port, 2 Pi TNC port and 2 KISS TNC Port.
Written by Fred/PA8F V20170419

*/ This ends a multi-line comment
LOCATOR=JO22JB ; Node locator
NODECALL=PI1BDG ; Node callsign
NODEALIAS=BDGNOD ; Node alias (6 characters max)
; The main purpose of this is to satisfy the requrements of those administations that require a regular station
; identification in the same mode as used for communication.
IDMSG: ; UI broadcast text from NODECALL to fixed dest ID
Net/Rom node and BBS Regio Gouda (430.925: 1k2), Bodegraven, ZH
BBS @ PI8BDG, Chat @ PI1BDG-4, DXSpider @ PI8BDG-6, RMS @ PI8BDG-10
*** ; Denotes end of IDMSG text
The BTEXT below contains an APRS location specification. Search the internet
for “APRS Protocol Specification” for details on the format. If you do not
care to do this, it would be best to replace the line by simple non APRS
text rather than transmit incorrect data which may find it’s way via APRS
IGates to FINDU.COM.

BTEXT: ; UI broadcast text from BCALL to destination UNPROTO=
; Coordinates in APRS format: ddmm.mm(N|S) latitude
; dddmm.mm(W|E) longitude,For longitude the the first ‘d’
; must be either 0 or 1.
!5204.48N/00445.04E#BPQ Node en BBS
*** ; Denotes end of BTEXT text

INFOMSG: ; The INFO command text follows:

PI1BDG – PI8BDG Packet System
Linux BPQ NODE/APRS/IGate – Sysop: Fred/PA8F, Bodegraven NL – JO22jb –
This system runs on a Raspberry-PI 3 under Raspbian-Jessie.

Node Ports:
Port 1: AXUDP Interlinks through the Internet / Hamnet where possible
Port 2: Internal and External Telnet port
Port 3: APRS/IGate – 144.800 MHz, Antenna Diamond X50N at 12m HAAT
Port 4: APRS/IGate – 432.500 MHz, Antenna Diamond X50N at 12m HAAT
Port 5: LAP1k2 – 430.925 Mhz, Antenna Diamond V2000 at 12m HAAT
Port 6: LAP9k6 – 430.925 MHz, Antenna Diamond V2000 at 12m HAAT

Telnet Access:
Port 3694: Uronode Telnet Access
Port 6300: F6FBB Mailbox for forwarding (Internal Application PI8BDG)
Port 7300: DX Cluster (Internal Application PI8BDG-6)

HTTP Access:
PI1BDG Linux BPQ Node: pa8f.ddns.net

Internal Applications:
Mailbox: PI8BDG, F6FBB 7.08
Chat: PI1BDG-4
DX Cluster: PI8BDG-6, DXSpider version 1.55
RMS gateway: PI8BDG-10

Ax25-mail : pa8f@pi8bdg.#zh.nl.eu
AMPR mail : pa8f@pa8f.ampr.org
E-mail : pa8f@ziggo.nl

Have Fun
*** ; Denotes end of INFOMSG text
CTEXT: ; The CTEXT text follows:
Welcome to PI1BDG BPQ32 Node and Telnet Server Use “?” for Help menu.
*** ; Denotes end of CTEXT text

FULL_CTEXT=1 ; 0=send CTEXT to L2 connects to NODEALIAS only
; 1=send CTEXT to all connectees
; Network System Parameters:
OBSINIT=6 ; Initial obsolescence set when a node is included
; in a received nodes broadcast. This value is then
; decremented by 1 every NODESINTERVAL.
OBSMIN=4 ; When the obsolescence of a node falls below this
; value that node’s information is not included in
; a subsequent nodes broadcast.
NODESINTERVAL=10 ; Nodes broadcast interval in minutes
IDINTERVAL=15 ; ‘IDMSG’ UI broadcast interval in minutes, 0=OFF
BTINTERVAL=15 ; The BTEXT broadcast interval in minutes, 0=OFF
L3TIMETOLIVE=25 ; Max L3 hops
L4RETRIES=3 ; Level 4 retry count
L4TIMEOUT=60 ; Level 4 timeout in seconds s/b > FRACK x RETRIES
L4DELAY=10 ; Level 4 delayed ack timer in seconds
L4WINDOW=4 ; Level 4 window size
MAXLINKS=63 ; Max level 2 links
MAXNODES=512 ; Max nodes in nodes table
MAXROUTES=64 ; Max adjacent nodes
MAXCIRCUITS=128 ; Max L4 circuits
MINQUAL=144 ; Minimum quality to add to nodes table
; INP3 Routing is experimental. The two parms which follow will be ignored
; unless activated in the ROUTES: section.
MAXHOPS=4 ; INP3 hop limit to add to tables
MAXRTT=90 ; INP3 max RTT in seconds
BUFFERS=255 ; Packet buffers – 255 means allocate as many as
; possible, normally about 130, depending upon other
; table sizes.
; TNC default parameters:
PACLEN=236 ; Max packet size (236 max for net/rom)
; 236 is suitable for reliable and fast connections, such
; as AX/IP/UDP or a dedicated 9600 RF Link
; 120 is suitable for a shared VHF packet radio connection
; PACLEN is defined for each port individually in the ports sections
TRANSDELAY=1 ; Transparent node send delay in seconds
; Level 2 Parameters:
; T1 (FRACK), T2 (RESPTIME) and N2 (RETRIES) are now in the PORTS section
T3=120 ; Link validation timer in seconds
IDLETIME=720 ; Idle link shutdown timer in seconds
; Configuration Options:
AUTOSAVE=1 ; Saves BPQNODES.dat upon program exit
BBS=1 ; 1 = BBS support included, 0 = No BBS support
NODE=1 ; Include switch support
HIDENODES=1 ; If set to 1, nodes beginning with a #
; require a ‘N *’ command to be displayed.
The *** LINKED command is intended for use by gateway software, and concern
has been expressed that it could be misused. It is recommended that it be
disabled (=N) if unneeded.
ENABLE_LINKED=A ; Controls processing of *** LINKED command
; Y = allows unrestricted use
; A = allows use by application program
; N = disabled
; Port Definitions:
; AX/IP/UDP port definition.
PORTNUM=1 ; Optional but sets port number if stated
ID=AX/IP/UDP ; Displayed by PORTS command
DRIVER=BPQAXIP ; Uses BPQAXIP capability of bpq32.dll
QUALITY=192 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on
; this port, unless overridden by a locked route
; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts
MINQUAL=142 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or
; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value
; of 0 sends everything.
FRACK=3000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds
RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds
RETRIES=10 ; Level 2 maximum retry value
MAXFRAME=7 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7)
PACLEN=236 ; Maximum packet lenght
CONFIG ; Driver specific configuration from here to ENDPORT
MHEARD ; Keep herad status. Opens AXIP MHEARD window
UDP 10093 ;Listens for UDP packets on this UDP port number
; You may listen on additional port numbers if desired:
; UDP 10094 ;Listens for UDP packets on this UDP port number
; The default behavior is to not
; add information to BPQ32’s nodes table for AX/IP/UDP nodes which are not
; explicitly listed in the bpqaxip.cfg file. The default behavior can be
; modified with these commands:
; DONTCHECKSOURCECALL ;This option allows entries in the NODES table from
;stations sending you nodes broadcasts without the
;corresponding node being configured in bpqaxip.cfg.
; AUTOADDMAP ;This option automatically adds the node call and
;address of a node for which you do not have a
;pre-arranged fixed entry in bpqaxip.cfg. If the
;option DONTCHECKSOURCECALL is specified then the
;AUTOADDMAP option is ignored.


MAP VE3UIL-7 UDP 10093 B ; Mike Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada
MAP PD4U-12 pd4u.zapto.org UDP 10093 B ; Mark
MAP KA9LCF-7 UDP 10093 B ; Clifford
MAP KE0CQF-7 KE0CQF.120V.AC UDP 10093 B ; Art
MAP N7VVX-1 n7vvx.ampr.org UDP 10093 B ; Dave
MAP ON0AR-10 on0ar.ampr.org UDP 93 B ; Luc
MAP OH5RM-10 oh5rm.no-ip.org UDP 10093 B ;
MAP ZS6RO-14 zs6ro.ddns.net UDP 10093 B ;
MAP PD1DER-14 UDP 10093 B ; Wander
MAP PI1CDR sytsma.co.uk UDP 93 B ; Han
MAP PI1BDG-1 B ; Fred
MAP GB7CIP-5 UDP 10093 B ; Paul

; If INP3 routing (experimental at this point) is utilized the ‘B’ command
; should not be included
MAP PE1MVX-15 pe1mvx.mooo.com KEEPALIVE 120 UDP 10093 ; Hans
MAP PI1LAP UDP 93 ; Niels
MAP I0OJJ-3 UDP 93 ; Gus ir0rm-7.ampr.org

; A keepalive may be needed if you have not properly configured your
; router to direct incoming UDP traffic to the specific machine on you
; LAN which is running BPQ32. You should properly configure your router
; so that the keepalive is unneeded, as this ploy is not completely
; reliable!

; In the exceptional case where your ISP is dropping your incoming traffic
; testing has found that the keepalive might help ‘keep the door open’.
; In the following example a keepalive packet is sent every 30 seconds:
; MAP AA1AA-1 example.net KEEPALIVE 30 UDP 10093 B

; An experimental TCP communication mode was added with the 2009/Aug/28 Beta
; release. The purpose is to circumvent router issues which are almost certain
; when ‘your side’, which we will call the client side, cannot control access
; to direct incoming UDP packets to your machine. Instead you will originate
; a connection via TCP. TCP is a connected protocol, all routers should
; automatically set up the return path to your machine.

; An example would be your BPQ32 node, with a node call of MYCALL-5, on a
; laptop at a public access WiFI site. To connect to AA1AA-1 via this method
; you will need this entry in your MAP list (without the ; of course):
; MAP AA1AA-1 example.net TCP-Master 10093 B

; AA1AA-1 is the node call of the remote side, e.g. server side. The server
; side must have the ability to program its router to direct incoming TCP
; traffic with the specified port number to the machine running BPQ32 Node
; AA1AA-1, just as it does for UDP.

; BPQ32 Node AA1AA-1 at URL=example.net would add the folllowing entry to its
; MAP list:
; MAP MYCALL-5 TCP-Slave 10093 B

; As a result AA1AA-1 will listen for TCP packets on port 10093 from MYCALL-5.
; When heard, a TCP connection will result over which AX.25 traffic will flow.
; The server side obtains the client side ip address when the connection
; request is received.

; As currently implemented the client side will have to make advance
; arrangements with the server side so that the correct MAP entries will be in
; effect, as well as to specify a unique TCP port number for each prearranged
; client.

; Radio port definitions.

; With the following definitions BPQ32 accesses the TNC directly.

PORTNUM=2 ; Optional but sets port number if stated
ID=Telnet Server
FBBPORT=8011 6300
CTEXT=BPQ32 Telnet Server\nPress ? For list of commands \n\n

; Radio port definitions.

; Suitable parameters for radio ports depend upon the quality and speed of the port.
; For 1200 baud RF shared access suggested values are:
; For 9600 baud dedicated high quality suggested values are:
; With the following definition BPQ32 accesses the TNC directly.
; The TNC used is a PiTNC in KISS mode

; With the following definition BPQ32 interfaces with AGWPE.exe.
; AGWPE could then interface with a sound card to emulate a TNC.
; There is additional configuration to be done within AGWPE.

PORTNUM=3 ; Port number
ID=APRS 144.800 MHz ; Displayed by PORTS command
; PI TNC settings
I2CBUS=1 ; I2C Bus number. 0 for version 1 board, 1 for Version 2
I2CDEVICE=16 ; I2C Device number (decimal)
PERSIST=64 ; PERSIST=256/(# of transmitters-1)
SLOTTIME=100 ; CMSA interval timer in milliseconds
TXDELAY=500 ; Transmit keyup delay in milliseconds
TXTAIL=30 ; TX key down, in milliseconds, at packet end
;In this application port 2 is used by UIView32 as an APRS digipeater thus
;nodes broadcasts are suppressed on this port by setting QUALITY=0.
QUALITY=0 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on
; this port, unless overridden by a locked route
; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts
; With QUALITY=0, the value of MINQUAL is irrelevant
MINQUAL=144 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or
; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value
; of 0 sends everything.
MAXFRAME=2 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7)
; In this application port 2 is used as an APRS digipeater thus the next two
; parms are set per the ‘New Paradigm’ recommendations:
FRACK=7000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds
RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds
RETRIES=5 ; Level 2 maximum retry value
PACLEN=128 ; Default max packet length for this port
UNPROTO=APBQ1 ; BTEXT broadcast addrs format: DEST[,digi1[,digi2]]
BCALL=PI1BDG-2 ; BTEXT call. unstated defaults to APPL1CALL
L3ONLY=0 ; 1=No user downlink connects on this port
; Digipeating to be done by UIView32 instead of BPQ32 for APRS applications:
DIGIFLAG=0 ; Digipeat: 0=OFF, 1=ALL, 255=UI Only
DIGIPORT=0 ; Port on which to send digi’d frames (0 = same port)
USERS=0 ; Maximum number of L2 sessions, 0 = no limit

PORTNUM=4 ; Port number
ID=APRS 432.500 MHz ; Displayed by PORTS command
; PI TNC settings
I2CBUS=1 ; I2C Bus number. 0 for version 1 board, 1 for Version 2
I2CDEVICE=17 ; I2C Device number (decimal)
PERSIST=64 ; PERSIST=256/(# of transmitters-1)
SLOTTIME=100 ; CMSA interval timer in milliseconds
TXDELAY=500 ; Transmit keyup delay in milliseconds
TXTAIL=30 ; TX key down, in milliseconds, at packet end
;In this application port 2 is used by UIView32 as an APRS digipeater thus
;nodes broadcasts are suppressed on this port by setting QUALITY=0.
QUALITY=0 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on
; this port, unless overridden by a locked route
; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts
; With QUALITY=0, the value of MINQUAL is irrelevant
MINQUAL=144 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or
; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value
; of 0 sends everything.
MAXFRAME=2 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7)
; In this application port 2 is used as an APRS digipeater thus the next two
; parms are set per the ‘New Paradigm’ recommendations:
FRACK=7000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds
RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds
RETRIES=5 ; Level 2 maximum retry value
PACLEN=128 ; Default max packet length for this port
UNPROTO=APBQ1 ; BTEXT broadcast addrs format: DEST[,digi1[,digi2]]
BCALL=PI1BDG-3 ; BTEXT call. unstated defaults to APPL1CALL
L3ONLY=0 ; 1=No user downlink connects on this port
; Digipeating to be done by UIView32 instead of BPQ32 for APRS applications:
DIGIFLAG=0 ; Digipeat: 0=OFF, 1=ALL, 255=UI Only
DIGIPORT=0 ; Port on which to send digi’d frames (0 = same port)
USERS=0 ; Maximum number of L2 sessions, 0 = no limit

PORTNUM=5 ; Port number
ID=AX25_70cm_1k2 ; Displayed by PORTS command
; KISS TNC with USB interface
COMPORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 ; Serial port is USB interface ttyUSB0
CHANNEL=A ; A for single channel TNC
PERSIST=64 ; PERSIST=256/(# of transmitters-1)
SLOTTIME=100 ; CMSA interval timer in milliseconds
TXDELAY=500 ; Transmit keyup delay in milliseconds
TXTAIL=30 ; TX key down, in milliseconds, at packet end
; QUALITY=192 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on
; ; this port, unless overridden by a locked route
; ; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts
QUALITY=0 ; There are no Net/Roms in radio range at this site, thus
; no nodes broadcasts need be sent on this radio port.
; As such the value of MINQUAL which follows is ignored.
MINQUAL=142 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or
; ; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value
; ; of 0 sends everything.
FRACK=8000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds
RESPTIME=1500 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds
RETRIES=10 ; Level 2 maximum retry value
MAXFRAME=2 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7)
PACLEN=120 ; Default max packet length for this port.
; PACLEN is ignored for APRS packets
UNPROTO=NODE,PD0HLA-14 ; BTEXT broadcast addrs format: DEST[,digi1[,digi2]]
BCALL=PI1BDG ; BTEXT call. Unstated defaults to NODECALL
L3ONLY=0 ; 1=No user downlink connects on this port
DIGIFLAG=0 ; Digipeat: 0=OFF, 1=ALL, 255=UI Only
DIGIPORT=0 ; Port on which to send digi’d frames (0 = same port)
USERS=0 ; Maximum number of L2 sessions, 0 = no limit

PORTNUM=6 ; Port number
ID=AX25_70cm_9k6 ; Displayed by PORTS command
; KISS TNC with USB interface
COMPORT=/dev/ttyUSB1 ; Serial port is USB interface ttyUSB0
CHANNEL=A ; A for single channel TNC
PERSIST=64 ; PERSIST=256/(# of transmitters-1)
SLOTTIME=100 ; CMSA interval timer in milliseconds
TXDELAY=500 ; Transmit keyup delay in milliseconds
TXTAIL=30 ; TX key down, in milliseconds, at packet end
; QUALITY=192 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on
; ; this port, unless overridden by a locked route
; ; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts
QUALITY=0 ; There are no Net/Roms in radio range at this site, thus
; no nodes broadcasts need be sent on this radio port.
; As such the value of MINQUAL which follows is ignored.
MINQUAL=142 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or
; ; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value
; ; of 0 sends everything.
FRACK=8000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds
RESPTIME=1500 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds
RETRIES=10 ; Level 2 maximum retry value
MAXFRAME=2 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7)
PACLEN=120 ; Default max packet length for this port.
; PACLEN is ignored for APRS packets
UNPROTO=NODE,PD0HLA-14 ; BTEXT broadcast addrs format: DEST[,digi1[,digi2]]
BCALL=PI1BDG ; BTEXT call. Unstated defaults to NODECALL
L3ONLY=0 ; 1=No user downlink connects on this port
DIGIFLAG=0 ; Digipeat: 0=OFF, 1=ALL, 255=UI Only
DIGIPORT=0 ; Port on which to send digi’d frames (0 = same port)
USERS=0 ; Maximum number of L2 sessions, 0 = no limit


StatusMsg=Node @ PI1BDG, BBS @ PI8BDG

Symbol=# ; Icon to display for station.
Symset=/ ; This is a “B” in a Red Diamond.

; Specify a Dest Addreess and Path for each port you want to use for APRS. No dest means receive only port
; Ports without an APRSPath statement will not be used by the Digi
; Note if you specify APRS as the destination call it will be replaced by the current BPQ32 APRS
; identification destination – APBPQ1. If you really want to send APRS, specify APRS-0.

APRSPath 3=APRS,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 ; Dest and up to 8 digis
APRSPath 4=APRS,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 ; Dest and up to 8 digis
BeaconInterval=30 ; Send Beacon every 30 minute. Minimum is 5 mins
MobileBeaconInterval=2 ; Beacon interval when moving

; Define Crossport Digi. For each port, a list of ports to send a packet to (IS means send to APRS-IS)
; If a Digimap isn’t specified for a port, digi out on the port the packet arrived on,
; and send to APRS-IS (if enabled)
; If you want to digi on same port, but not send to APRS-IS, Specify Digimap n=n
; If you dont want to digi on a port, specify Digimap n=
; If you only have one APRS port, you probably don’t need a Digimap statement
Digimap 3=3,4,IS ; Packets from 3 to 3 and APRS-IS
Digimap 4=3,4,IS ; Packets from 4 to 4 and APRS-IS

; Define Digipeating parameters

TraceCalls=WIDE,TRACE ; Calls for CALLN-n Processing with Trace
; FloodCalls=XXXZZ ; Calls for CALLN-n Processing without Trace
; DigiCalls=ZZXXX ; Calls for Normal (ie no SSID manipulation) Digi
; For a Local “Fillin” Digi, you could include WIDE1-1 and leave out TraceCalls and FloodCalls

ReplaceDigiCalls ; Replace DigiCalls with APRSCall. Omit if you want the call to be left as it is received.

MaxTraceHops=2 ; Max value of n in CALLN-n processing. If a packet is received with n greater than
MaxFloodHops=2 ; this, the value will be replaced BEFORE it is decremented.

; Specify position. You can specify a fixed LAT/LONG, or use GPS

LAT=5204.48N ; Must be in standard APRS Format (ddmm.mmN/S)
LON=00445.04E ; Must be in standard APRS Format (dddmm.mmE/W)

; GPSPort=0 ; if specified, lat/lon will be taken from a GPS,
; GPSSpeed=0 ; overriding the values set above.
; The Digi can generate Object and Item reports.

; The format is pretty strict – a single space between param=value pairs,
; a comma but no spaces in PATH and PORT string.

; Minimum interval is 10 mins. You can have as many OBJECT lines as you need.
; See thr APRS specification for information on how to format an Object or Item string
OBJECT PATH=APRS,WIDE1-1 PORT=3,IS INTERVAL=30 TEXT=;PI8BDG-6 *111111z5204.48N/00445.04E%DX Cluster PI8BDG-6. Telnet pa8f.ddns.net port 7300
OBJECT PATH=APRS,WIDE1-1 PORT=3,IS INTERVAL=30 TEXT=;PI8BDG *111111z5204.48N/00445.04EBPacket BBS PI8BDG. Telnet pa8f.ddns.net port 6300

; IGATE Params. If specified you will gate RF packets and your beacons to APRS-IS
ISHost=aprs.pa4tw.nl ; APRS-IS Host Name. May be either an IPV4 or an IPV6 Host

ISPort=14580 ; Normal port for a filtered feed
ISPasscode=xxxxx ; If you don’t already have a passcode I can issue you one.
; You can specify a filter command to be sent when you log on to APRS-IS. Normally you don’t
; need one. The APRS Mapping Application (BPQAPRS) sets a filter when it starts,
; and if you aren’t running an APRS application, there isn’t much point in getting info from APRS-IS
ISFilter=m/25 ; Filter Command if needed
; AGW Emulator Params
AGWPORT=8001 ; Port Applications connect to
AGWSESSIONS=5 ; Max sessions allowed
AGWMASK=2 ; Application Mask. This os only needed for connects to the ;application,
; ; and can be specified in decimal or hex – ie 16 or 0x10

ROUTES: ; Locked routes (31 maximum)
/* ; Begin comment block

The values in […] if stated override the port defaults
MAXFRAME, FRACK and PACLEN if stated override the port defaults.
INP3Enable = 0 (or unstated) disables, 1 enables.
The INP3 (internode protocol) implementation in BPQ32 is experimental.

Example of a route statement using INP3:
HISCAL-12,193,1,0,0,0,1 ;MAXFRAME, FRACK & PACLEN defaults, INP3 Enabled

If you are in range of another radio node you may choose to lock the
route. Locked routes tend to be overused and should not be set unless
truly needed.
*/ ; End comment block
PE1MVX-15,193,1,0,0,0,1 ; INP3 neighbour PE1MVX-15
PI1LAP,193,1,0,0,0,1 ; INP3 neighbour PI1LAP
I0OJJ-3,193,1,0,0,0,1 ; INP3 neighbour I0OJJ-3

PI1BDG-1,255,1 ; PI1BDG-1 is a BPQ32 on a separate machine on my LAN and I want the Quality high!
;Y2DEF-1,193,1 ; This will lock the quality of Y2DEF-1 to 193. It is probably unnecessary!
;A1MNO-9,0,1 ; This sets the route quality for A1MNO to 0, thus preventing connection. This
; is shown as an example of how you would lock out A1MNO-9 if AUTOADDMAP were
; active.
*** ; Denotes end of locked routes


You can define additional Node commands that are available to your users. These may connect to
applications running on you computer, or be aliases or ‘shortcuts’ to other node commands.
For example you can define the command “BBS”. This can either be set up to connect to a BBS running
on your computer, or to be an alias for a command that connects to a BBS on another system.

You can set up a callsign that if connected to will select the command, and if required cause the
call to be added to your NODES list.

The format is:

APPLICATION n,CMD,New Command,Call,Alias, Quality

n Application Number. You can define up to 32.
CMD The command the user types
New Command (optional) The Node command to be run
Call (optional) The call which directly invokes CMD
Alias and Quality (optional) If specified, causes an entry for Call and Alias to be added to your
NODES table with the specified Quality.

Associated with each Application number is an application mask. Most BPQ32 applications can be configured to
use any Application. An exception is AR-Cluster using the OCX interface, which must be Appl 1. Normally an Application Mask is configured in the application, rather than an Application Number. The following table gives
the Application Mask values:

Appl: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, etc
Decimal Mask: 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128, etc
Hexadecimal Mask: 0x1,0x2,0x4,0x8,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80, etc




In this example a single local application, AR-Cluster, is supported.
If a connected user enters ‘DX’ the node will involk the application
associated with the first positional parameter.

If we elect to use the OCX interface to AR-Cluster, it must be the first
positional parameter, as AR-Cluster does not give the user the option to
set it’s application mask, rather it is hard coded as 0x1 internally in

If instead we choose to use the AGWtoBPQ interface for AR-Cluster, the
applications may be in any of the 8 possible positions. However we have
chosen position 1, thus the mask in AGWtoBPQ must be configured as 0x1 to
correspond to the first positional parameter.



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Netrom link quality

Hier onder een stukje wat ik tegen kwam in het bbs, het gaat over de quality van een netrom link. Geschreven door John G8BPQ.

Quality isn’t measured. It is assigned by the sysop to a Netrom link,
and calculated by the node for a Netrom route. In this context a link is
the path between two adjacent stations, and a route is a path between
two stations over one or more links.

Quality doesn’t necessarily define how “good” a link is. It is used by
the software to select the route to use when more than one route exists
between two nodes. Desirability would be a better term. While this may
be related to how good the link is it might include other factors (eg
give preference to RF links and only use Internet links as a backup if
the radio link fails). It is expressed as a number between 0 and 255.
When a route is over two links, the route quality is calculated by
multiplying the link qualities together and dividing by 256. So for two
links of quality 192 the route quality is 144.

The “standard” default quality is 192. You might change this if you
had two links between two stations (maybe a UHF trunk link and a VHF
user link). By assigning a higher quality to the UHF link traffic would
be routed over it and would only use the other if the first failed.

The Netrom routing mechanism was designed to be self learning, building
routing tables from broadcasts heard from other nodes. This can work
quite well, but only if you don’t have any one way paths. If you can
hear a node but not connect to it the system simply doesn’t work. It
sounds from what you have said that is is what you are seeing. Unless
you deliberately disable the mechanism, BPQ will try to keep a link open
to each node it hears a routing broadcast from, and remove it from the
tables if the link can’t be established (or fails) but in the meantime
the routing entries will be used and may be passed on to other stations.

With your current configuration you will add to your table any stations
you hear a routing broadcast from with a quality of 192. This is a
reasonable starting point if you can connect to all the stations you can
hear. If not, there are two approaches you can use. You can ignore
routing messages from specific nodes that you know you can’t connect to
by adding a locked route with a link quality of zero, or you can set the
PORT QUALITY parameter below MINQUAL, so that nothing is automatically
added, and lock routes to the stations you know you can connect to with
a link quality of 192. The second option requires more active
management, but is likely to give a more stable network.

I’m not sure if this has directly answered your question, but hopefully
will help you understand the issues more.

John G8BPQ

Direwolf Soundmodem

Direwolf source

Direwolf example config

Arecord -l

#                                                           #
#               Configuration file for Dire Wolf            #
#                                                           #
#                   Linux version                           #
#                                                           #
# card number reported by "arecord -l" command.

ADEVICE  plughw:0,1

#                                                           #
#               CHANNEL 0 PROPERTIES                        #
#                                                           #


MODEM 1200 1200:2200 E+
PTT /dev/ttyUSB0 DTR

PBEACON delay=1  every=30 overlay=S symbol="digi" lat=51^33.52N long=003^48.15E power=4 height=15 gain=6 comment="PI1LAP-10 RX\TX iGate Kortgene,ZLD JO11VN" via=WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 
DIGIPEAT 0 0 ^WIDE[3-7]-[1-7]$|^TEST$ ^WIDE[12]-[12]$ TRACE 
#FILTER 0 1 t/wn 
IGSERVER aprs.pa4tw.nl:14580
PBEACON sendto=IG delay=0:30 every=30:00 symbol="igate" overlay=T lat=51^33.52N long=003^48.15E 
#PBEACON sendto=IG delay=0:30 every=60:00 symbol="igate" overlay=T lat=42^37.14N long=071^20.83W 

# Finally, we don't want to flood the radio channel.  
# The IGate function will limit the number of packets transmitted 
# during 1 minute and 5 minute intervals.   If a limit would 
# be exceeded, the packet is dropped and message is displayed in red.


Compile Instructions Jnos2.0k

Download Jnos 2.0k Source Jnos

July 26, 2016 - Compile instructions for JNOS 2.0k

1) There is NO incremental update from previous versions, too much
   has changed, and a mass compile is required anyways.

   Put the compressed tar file into an empty directory, then :

    gunzip jnos2.0k.tar.gz
    tar xvf jnos2.0k.tar
    cd jnos/src/rsync

2) Before you compile and IF you have your own config.h from a previous
   version of JNOS 2.0, then you can copy it over if you like. However, if
   you choose to do this, do a 'diff' between your 'config.h' and the new
   'config.h.default' shipped with JNOS 2.0k - to see what new features
   you might be missing out on. It is probably not a big deal, but you
   should know about it anyways.

   IF you are starting from scratch, the compile process automatically
   copies the 'config.h.default' to 'config.h' (only if the latter is not
   present) and then compiles the whole thing.

   IF you want to edit a new config.h BEFORE the compile starts, then use
   the 'make defconfig' command first. That will create the 'config.h' for
   you, then you can edit it to suit your own preferences.

3) To compile and link JNOS, just enter the 'make' command.

   Please note that warnings may happen, although with this release I have
   made extra effort to try and clean them ALL up, your mileage will vary.

4) That's it, if all goes well, you should have a new 'jnos' binary.

5) Why is 'jnos' binary so large AND what to do about JNOS crashing !

   Note that my makefile has debugging turned on, so any 'jnos' binary
   you compile will be large (because it contains debuggin info). If you
   are not at all interested in debugging, then you can reduce the size
   of the 'jnos' binary using the following command :

    strip jnos

   which will strip out the debugging information and symbol table.

   If you ARE interested in helping me fix bugs, then I encourage you to
   run the GDB debugger that comes with most linux distros, AND make sure
   you do NOT strip the 'jnos' binary, since it contains important info for
   the debugger to use when a crash occurs.

   Using GDB is easy. With JNOS running already, find out it's pid, using
   the linux command, 'ps -ef | grep jnos'. Once you know what the pid is,
   then run the gdb debugger something like this :

    gdb -p pid

   GDB will load, JNOS will hang temporarily, and GDB will suddenly give
   you a prompt. Enter the command, 'continue', at the prompt, and JNOS
   will continue to run again.

   When a crash occurs, GDB will break out to the prompt again, and JNOS
   will hang. Take a screen shot of what GDB printed out, then type in
   the command, 'back full', at the GDB prompt, and note the info that
   appears. Please send all of that information to me, with a brief
   explanation of what might have been going on at the time.

   If you have JNOS logging in effect, please send me the log file at
   the time of the crash if you don't mind. Logs are under /jnos/logs/
   directory (by default).

JNOS 2.0k released - 26Jul2016

* Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM